Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bob Kerrey

As you know, Bob Kerrey -- whom I've always liked -- is running for Senate in Nebraska. Until quite recently, nobody gave him much of a chance against Deb Fischer. But the latest poll puts Fisher ahead by only 48 to 45, and that means Kerrey is within the margin of error. He has a chance!

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OTE admin said...

I can't stand the s.o.b. He's one of these fakers like Obama who wants to privatize Social Security in the name of deficit reduction or something.

If he loses it wouldn't break my heart. He's just like Ben Nelson.

Anonymous said...

I support Democrat Bob Kerrey over Republican Deb Fischer because: 1) as a Democrat he will vote the Democratic position for all critical votes, while Fischer will support the Republican position; and 2) Kerrey's election could give Democrats the majority in the house.

alibe said...

I can not stand him either. He is like Haroold Ford. Pretends to be reasonable and is a POS. There is something about his Viet Nam record that is very suspect. i forget what it was now.

Anonymous said...


I support Democrat Bob Kerrey over Republican Deb Fischer because: 1) as a Democrat he will vote the Democratic position for all critical votes, while Fischer will support the Republican position; and 2) Kerrey's election will keep Democrats as the majority in the Senate.

prowlerzee said...

I can't weigh in on this one specifically, but Joseph has the right idea that we should be focusing more on the down-ticket choices.

Including ballot initiatives. Maryland has TWENTY questions on the ballot! I just finished my ballot homework and am voting yes on all but three of them. Whew.