Monday, September 03, 2012

Maybe they should change the name to "Bosses' Day"

Today, GOP leader Eric Cantor tweeted: "Today, we celebrate those who have taken a risk, worked hard, built a business and earned their own success."

No. Say those words any other day, if you must. But this is labor day, shithead.


SophieCT said...


ANonOMouse said...

Cantor is just another Twit who knows how to Tweet a real butt wipe. Maybe the laborers of VA will forgo voting for Mr. Cantor since he doesn't have enough respect for their contributions to mention them in his tweet. May you reap what you sow Cantor

Mr. Mike said...

As I said, republicans will cancel Labor Day, mark my words. Cantor's remarks were the opening shot in the overt war against labor.

Mr. Mike said...

Shithead = republican.

Propertius said...

Every day is Bosses' Day.

Anonymous said...

Like a new atheist at Xmas, some people just don't know when to STFU.