Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Cannonfire candidate

Alert the media: As you can see in the upper right-hand corner, Cannonfire has finally endorsed a candidate. I would have preferred Mothman as a running mate because a water god and an air devil make for a more balanced ticket. Dagon is just another fish-out-of-water story. But it's the top of ticket that matters.

Unlike George W. Bush, my candidate will call upon us to make sacrifices. Lots and lots of 'em. His economic platform is simple: "Spend as if there's no tomorrow." However, he has argued against abortion, which he considers the easy way out.


Bob Harrison said...

Where's that "Like" button?

Dwight said...

Hmmm. Joseph may need re-animating.

Alessandro Machi said...

Joseph said..."Unlike George W. Bush, my candidate will call upon us to make sacrifices. Lots and lots of 'em. His economic platform is simple: "Spend as if there's no tomorrow."

Not to be a fuddy duddy, but it was George Bush who encourage everyone to shop until they dropped as a way to fight back against terrorism.

Your over the top pro union stance is showing?

Joseph Cannon said...

Sandro, my candidate's philosophy reaches out in many directions, just like his tentacles.

mr kite said...

We'll need to see the long form birth certificate

Anonymous said...

And his tax returns. And his LSAT score.