Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Perhaps the contest comes down to this...

Who is more likely to keep us out of war with Iran: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?

Obama has been rattling sabers for days. Romney has been rattling sabers for years. Neither can be trusted. But perhaps one or the other can be pressured...? Obama knows that a war with Iran would place him at war with his own party, which means he can't act before the election. (Except in the case of a clear casus belli.) But afterward...


Sextus Propertius said...

I think it hinges on whether the Blue Team (I refuse to pretend they're an actual political party anymore) hangs onto the Senate.

If Romney wins and the D-s hold the Senate, then they might delay things indefinitely out of sheer contrariness.

If Obama wins, I think we'll be at war regardless.

Anonymous said...

'Who is more likely to keep us out of war with Iran: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?'

Toss up at best. The corporate raiders and defense contractors are hot to trot for war ad infinitum. Add the pressure of the Israeli lobby and Saudis? It's just a matter of stage craft, regardless of who is in the WH.

Makes my head hurt!


Sextus Propertius said...

I will not vote for a President who claims the power to perform extrajudicial executions.