Friday, December 23, 2011


Think about it. If he makes a late entry into the Republican nomination sweepstakes, he is bound to have at least one or two weeks as the frontrunner. After all -- he's not Mitt Romney.

Colbert has his own PAC. He has money. You know damned well that donations will come flying in. And the title of his book -- "I AM AMERICA (AND SO CAN YOU!)" -- is a perfect Republican campaign slogan. If that's too wordy, consider the slogan in my poster: ME.

That's it. The entire GOP philosophy summed up in two letters.

If Colbert runs as a Republican, Trump runs as an Independent, and Obama runs as an alleged Democrat -- well, now we're getting somewhere!

(Click on the image to bask in the glorious detail. I think it's not bad, considering that I had decided not to do any, y'know, actual drawing.)


Anonymous said...

And what are Colbert's qualifications to be president? Experience counts. Washington needs an experienced independent candidate.

Perry Logan said...

At last--a candidate for the droll.

Among other things, the two major parties have become completely unfunny. No one who voted for Barack Obama--much less for any Republican--could possibly have a sense of humor. Certainly I've never met an Obama voter or a Republican who displayed any. Colbert will be the first candidate in years to tap into the humor vote.

Bob Harrison said...

Ok. Colbert is president. I like that. Who's the Vice? How does Franken factor? Cabinet? The cliched mind does boggle.