Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Greek way

In ancient Athens, if a politician became very unpopular, the assembly could vote to send the offender into exile for ten years. The process was called ostracism. An ostracized politician could not answer the charges, because there was no trial. He just had to go.

Ah, for the good old days. Now, you probably can guess where I'm going with this one: If we had ostracism today, whom would you choose?

Okay, I know the one name that all (well, most) of you want to shout out. No fair. Too easy. Pick someone else. I'm looking for some creative, thought-provoking and not-so-obvious answers.

You also have to keep in mind the likely replacement: Do you want to exchange bad for (potentially) worse?

I'll get you started. Nancy Pelosi. (Considering her home district, her replacement might well be better, and couldn't be worse.) Michele Bachmann. (Blechhh.) Tim Geithner. (Presuming cabinet folk are part of the deal.)


Anonymous said...

Newt Gingrinch

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with either Michele or Newt.

K.T. said...

I'll add Barbara Boxer. She's almost as bad as Nancy Pelosi.

Joseph Cannon said...

Boxer? No damn way. Love her.

Not much of a Feinstein fan.

Anonymous said...

Barney Frank

Lea said...

Joseph Liebernan.
Diane Feinstein.
Peter King.
Scott Walker.

John Myste said...

In ancient Athens, if a politician became very unpopular, the assembly could vote to send the offender into exile for ten years. The process was called ostracism. An ostracized politician could not answer the charges, because there was no trial. He just had to go.

Great democracy. Denies due process and respects the rights of everyone but the ostracized victim. It is not a mere vote of no confidence. It is a form of incarceration that allows for politicians to frame enemies who cannot face their accusers.

I would not choose Michelle, because Obama needs her campaign craziness. I definitely would not choose Palin, same reason. I would consider choosing Obama, though that would be risky, as a republican make get in.

Obviously I would choose Perry, but assuming I could not choose him…

Ron Paul! There is no political reason, per sé. I cannot stand that lying hypocrite. I would rather preserve backward, benighted Tea Party republicans, who may actually believe they are on the side of righteousness.

Joseph Cannon said...

John: You're right, but this post isn't really meant to be so very serious in tone.

I don't know if Paul is such a hypocrite, but he IS a libertarian. And even if he weren't, he has tried to rationalize secession. He ought to be (even under our current system) tossed out of congress for that reason alone.

Anon: Barney Frank? Hm. You don't sound like one of our regulars.

Lea: Scott Walker isn't so bad, as Republicans go. Of course, I support Elizabeth Warren.

prowlerzee said...

John Kerry. Dennis Kucinich.

Rick Santorum. David Vitter.

Frist. Barr. Cheney. many more.

Joseph Cannon said...

Kerry? Kucinich? Sometimes I don't know my readers.

(Incidentally, looks like Dennis will stay in congress. Redistricting has left him a Dem-friendly plot of land.)

Cheney does not count because he is no longer a politician. Exile is too good for him -- although I would like to see him tried in the Hague.

whatsinanamereally said...

Hillary ...she's trying to make Obama look bad, she killed Vince Foster, and still hasn't apologized for splitting the party, being a racist or taking down wtc7. Oh, and i read a while ago on DailyKos that she's a cunt (sorry just trying to balance the crazy-- Boxer, Kerry, Kucinich... thought i would chime in before people start saying really insane things like; why not ostracize Jim Inhofe (the mother of all Climate deniers)? Or how about Boozman, Rubio (until he grows some pubes) and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III? or creepy Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr? JOE LIEBERMAN!!! (Joseph, how much room you have in that catapult thing of yours?) Whatever you do I just hope you don't get rid of Saxby Chambliss, Mike Crapo Mark kike or Chris Coons, need those...

Anonymous said...

(Incidentally, looks like Dennis will stay in congress. Redistricting has left him a Dem-friendly plot of land.)

Excuse me? You're awfully quick to write off Marcy Kaptur.


Twilight said...

James Inhofe and Tom Coburn (our OK senators) - take 'em both, lock 'em up and throw away the key.

Sophie said...

Joseph, perhaps your reader meant the Kucinich that sold out the last possibility of a real health care plan for a ride in Air Force 1. Perhaps that reader meant the Kerry who threw the race in 2004 and aligned himself with the Chicago machine in 2008.

Lea said...

J, I believe you're thinking of Scott Brown, senator of Massachusetts, and I agree--as Repugs go, he's not the worst. And I laud him for his openness about the sexual abuse he suffered as a child. That said, like you I'm Team Warren (although I'm cynical enough at this point to believe that Washington is universally corrupting, so I hesitate to get too hopeful).

I'm referring to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a low-down snake if I ever saw one.

Joseph Cannon said...

Oh Lea -- I'm so sorry. Brain bubbles. I got my Scotts momentarily mixed.

Yeah, Walker can take a walk, all right.

prowlerzee said...

Thank you, Peg and Sophie!!!

That's it, exactly. I'm so irate about Kucinich's glee in his "opportunity" to overthrow the longest serving woman in Congress I think he's #1 on my list.

Joseph, please go watch a few youtubes of Marcy Kaptur's reaming the banksters who are plundering America and you may rethink whether we need the self-serving Kucinich. Of course, if Marcy were to run for president instead, he could have her old seat .... and, yes, it appears she's prolife, but given that her focus is on putting the likes of Tim Geithner in his place and holding the banks accountable we need her front and center alongside Elizabeth Warren.

Anonymous said...

Eric Cantor
Chris Christie
John Fleming ( let him live on his measly $400,000 a year, poor thing )
Rand Paul
Paul Ryan
Scott Walker