Monday, January 11, 2010

I wish I weren't right about Obama...

Seriously. Crow would taste great right now. Hat, if I had a hat, would be a delicacy.

I want to wake up tomorrow and discover that all of my 2008 fears about Obama were groundless. Better to be wrong and living in a prosperous nation than to be right while living in a country mired in a Depression. Alas, we now face at least 17-18 percent unemployment (counting the "discouraged"). Things are looking grim.

The video above, which documents Obama's near-daily lying about health care during the campaign, comes to us by way of Red Dragon. He has more.

Blago: Obama's former partner-in-shenanigans, Rod Blagojevich, doesn't seem to care for Obama these days. He recently made an instantly infamous remark:
"I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived," Blagojevich said. "I saw it all growing up."
I don't think black people want to count Rod Blagojevich as one of their own. I'm sure that white people don't relish the idea. Still, he does have a point -- Obama seems to have coasted to power on an "up from poverty" storyline which was always fictitious.

Blago has a few other choice words:
Blagojevich, referring to the president as "this guy," says Obama was elected based simply on hope.

"What the (expletive)? Everything he's saying's on the teleprompter," Blagojevich told the magazine for a story in its February issue, which hits newsstands Jan. 19.
Is the former governor pissed off? Oh yeah. But is he sufficiently pissed off to reveal what he knows? I'll repeat a point made in many previous posts: Evelyn Pringle's reportage proves that every time Blago got a shady pay-off, Obama got money too.

Even from those guys in Vegas. Think of it: Some Vegas goombahs working a development deal contributed to an Illinois state senator. If you are very imaginative, you might be able to concoct an purely innocent scenario to cover that transaction.

Maybe Blago's interview was a carefully calculated warning shot directed at the president. Consider the idea.


Perry Logan said...

I feel especially sorry for the young voters. This was their first entry into politics, and they f*cked up completely.

Now they're going to have to live for the rest of their lives knowing they helped put an incompetent ex-cokehead who fought dirty against a woman in the White House.

That's a hell of a humiliation for the little twits. :(

Roberta said...

I hope Blago spills all the beans. I want to hear what Obots will say when they see just how dirty Obama is. Yet I am willing to bet many of them will either not believe Blago or will find a way to spin it, the main goal being salvaging their own egos from their own stupidity.

Edgeoforever said...

I know what you mean. I am not happy with my "I told you so"s when I predicted disasters (like with W and his war in Iraq)
As for Obama's lies, the one on the transparency is the most benign of all. To me, I love the arguments he makes against taxing "Cadillac plans" - and the name itself when McCain proposed it

Caro said...

We don't know what Rezko may be talking to prosecutors about, either. He was supposed to be sentenced last January.

Carolyn Kay

Anonymous said...

And there are people who are never counted, people like my daughter who were harassed into quitting.

votermom said...

That's almost exactly what I told my daughter when she asked me last year what kind of President Obama I thought would be. I said "I hope he proves me wrong, but I fear he will prove me right."

RedDragon said...

Oh...Yes....I do believe that was a shot across Obama's bow.

There's going to be some pretty nervous people in Chicago once this "Blago affair"finally goes to trial.

MrMike said...

When do the pardons for Tony and Rod come?
Or how long are they willing to sit in the slammer for Obama?

Anonymous said...

Pringles' series on the Illinois Combine was the turning point for me. I read that, poked around for supporting background material and realized Obama was a made man, a dangerous joke of a candidate.

But unfortunately, most voters bought the 24/7 spin. And now we have what we have and the spin continues.

And the economy, what's left of it? We've gone off the cliff and are on our the way down. The puffers and pumpers are still making happy talk for the masses. But the numbers are the numbers. They do not lie, they cannot be bought and even spin has its limitations.

It's taken us decades to get here [although the last decade has been in fast forward]. And Obama? He's doing what he does best: lying through that crocodile smile.

This will not be pretty. For any of us.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this: HuffPo: Blago Apology: Blagojevich Sorry For 'Blacker Than Obama' Remarks

Now the story will be all about this, rather than the corruption. Sigh.

lori said...

What was it that Rezko said that brought Obama home from Nevada instantly after seizing control of the caucuses?

i can't remember. There was a shot across the bow then as well.

Zee said...

I wish that Blago and Rezko would spill the beans already. I was wondering what the hell happened to Rezko and why he dropped off the radar.

And Perry, you're living in a fantasy world. The stupid young brats aren't humiliated in the slightest. They'll be blaming Dems for the rest of their lives. The Obots are merely the reprise of the Naderites, and that is the plan. What do you think? The conservatives have two choices...adopt progressive views or infiltrate and discredit the Dem party. Same game plan, because it works.

Anonymous said...

Recently Blago's lawyer's offices were burgled. I wonder who was looking for what, and if they found it.