Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We're on the same page

On January 24, 2008, this squib appeared in Corrente:
A new Barack Obama radio ad:

"Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page. Paid for by Obama for America."
NAFTA. FISA. Iraq. Afghanistan. Single Payer. Canadian drugs. Stimulus. Mortgage relief. Employment. State Secrets. Privacy. Patriot Act.

By the way: The rediscovered Bush emails almost certainly will prove that the W administration did not comply properly with Fitzgerald's request for evidence. The Obama Justice Department could subpoena those records and mount an obstruction of justice case against the Bushies.

Could, but won't. Why? Because nothing has changed, and the page has not been turned.


RedDragon said...

Oh hell!

Of course he wont do anything about the "Bushies." he's one of them. Always has been.

And another thing....

Funny how the "Precious Protection Racket" is running out of lame assed excuses for their Messiah!

So...I ask them..."Where's the change we were promised?"

Thought so!

lambert strether said...

Well, we did turn the page. It just turned out that page 44 was identical to page 43, that's all.

Anonymous said...

Not sure there is anybody left to indict on the missing/found e-mails.

That super-webmaster guy who worked on the private Bushie website where Rove & Co. did much of their e-mailing (was it RNC's?), who may have been their main consultant on the official WH website as well, died in a small airplane crash earlier this year, iirc.

If he wasn't the guy, then you only have small fry lower GS grade employees, and a hard burden to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt for THEIR guilt, let alone a hope that one of them might risk his life (from threat of death by plane!) to implicate someone higher.

I personally wouldn't favor prosecuting the small fry unless bigger game were in the sights.


Perry Logan said...

Note the ad feminem tone of the ad. Clinton haters are the scum of the earth.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you, Barack Obama:


leslie said...

"That super-webmaster guy who worked on the private Bushie website where Rove & Co. did much of their e-mailing (was it RNC's?), who may have been their main consultant on the official WH website as well, died in a small airplane crash earlier this year, iirc. "

It was last year that he died. Wasn't her from Ohio? The plane he was flying was his own, and if iirc, there was a great deal of suspicion surrounding the crash.