Friday, December 11, 2009

Taibbi, Colbert and bubbles

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Matt Taibbi
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating

What's amazing to me is that Colbert manages to ask intelligent questions while remaining in his "idiot" persona. My favorite line: "But that's what we make now -- BUBBLES!"


Zee said...

omfg. Not Matt Taibbi again. He's everywhere. Newsflash to Matt Taibbi. Fraudbama did not flip "once in office." Face reality and fess up. You fell for the rankest sloganeering and are at fault for ignoring all of Zerobama's lies, evasions and flipflops before and during the election. Matt Taibbi was so proud to strut around making fun at the 9/11 conspiracynuts, as if that took any intellectual acumen to see through. Well, guess what, Matty? YOU'RE the butt now.

Bartleby the Slacker said...

Didn't Colbert shamelessly hail the Almighty? Colbert was funnier when Bush was in the WH - you'd think he could still pull it off with Bush 2.0 "Fraudbama".Matty boy is partying hearty with the boyz making the bubbles and gadgets and tee-vee shows, Colbert included.

wxyz said...

Zee, I'm so glad we're all agreed that 9/11 conspiracy nuts are so transparently wrong. Unfortunately, Taibbi's debunking of some falsehoods leaves a number of serious questions unanswered and likely to be ignored. Sen.Bob Graham, Head of the Congressional Inquiry, has confirmed that key figures in a foreign government actively assisted the terrorists inside the US prior to the attacks. Who were those people? And if they knew, who else knew? Mohammed Atta specified Huffman Aviation on his student visa application before he even came to the US, ignoring 200 other Florida flight schools. Why Huffman? And what about Hopsicker's evidence that Huffman was a drug trafficking flight centre that could only have been run with the tacit approval of one or more US regulatory agencies? There are endless, serious questions: Were the Israelis tracking the 911 terrorists? What did they know of their activities? The NORAD stand down -- sorry, but I'm just not buying the official explanation. The failure of the Administration to make public the physical evidence in relation to any of the flights on 9/11 sufficient to allow independent examination. And then we have George Bush who had fighter jets protecting his Crawford home in the months leading up to 9/11 and at a G8 conference in Genoa with a reported threat of a terrorist attack using aircraft. The same Bush who read the memo warning of a bin Ladin attack inside the US. Then on 9/11, with the Presidential security service having a direct line feed on FAA radar, the President hears about the attack on the north WTC tower before he enters the Sarasota school. When he then hears from Andrew Card about the attack on the south tower he sits there for another 25 mins! His later explanation for not leaving immediately: "I was concentrating on the program at this point, thinking about what I was going to say [about the plane crash]. Obviously, I felt it was an accident. I was concerned about it, but there were no alarm bells." Give me an f-ing break! That's the second plane he's just been told about! No-one but a liar could offer that explanation with the background details I just described.

So there it is. We all now know that 911 conspiracy theories are just that -- or do we? The collective amnesia in regards to the events of 9/11 roars on even when the contradictions are staring people in the face and screaming for real answers.

Bush was up to his neck in it, as far as I can see. He and Cheney are murderous traitors, active participants in 9/11. But we don't ask those questions anymore, do we? They got dismissed along with the holograms and space rays.

Thanks, Matt. I'd have been a lot more impressed if you had kicked harder on some of the other stuff.

Perry Logan said...

Wow. Look at all those 9/11 smoking guns.

The problem is, the 9/11 Truther down the block will give you an entirely different list of smoking guns and explain why the first Truther is completely for the birds...and probably a CIA agent. ;)

damien said...

I'm sorry I haven't met your high standards, Perry. Have you noticed the major hole in your reasoning? Neither I nor anybody else should have to provide evidence to you to make the case for what happened on 9/11. In a democracy the government should be accountable to the people, not the other way round. The UK is currently holding an inquiry into what Blair knew about wmds in Iraq. There is an understanding that justice not only must be done but must be seen to be done, especially on matters of critical national importance. Not so in the good ol' USA. There the lie is maintained that there is no common good and that all political differences are partisan. Facts are a political resource to be used or withheld according to partisan interest. So Bush feels ok hiding all the evidence on 9/11 and there is no national sense that the country has entered the territory of fascism, of oligarchical rule. The nation is adrift and there is no accountability anywhere.

It is not for any 9/11 "conspiracy" advocate to provide signed confessions from the perpetrators of that event. People should be in the street demanding that the evidence be laid out publicly. Guessing is what a knowledge impoverished society is forced to. That's the real terrorism.

Zee said...

I should've known the mere mention of 9/11 nutters would bring them out of the woodwork. Go on back to your conferences headed by holocaust-deniers.

Joseph Cannon said...

No more 9/11 stuff. It's like kudzu: It can take over.

Edgeoforever said...

Wrong prediction: the next bubble is life insurances.
I have been loathing Taibbi since 2004 when he was doing hatchet jobs on Clark. He was a B0bot too. But he's been writing some good investigative pieces lately, and we have precious few investigative journalists left, so I'll listen.