Bot-Man Tribune, the Obama-crazed blog with the all-too-revealing mascot, has decided to attack Riverdaughter of the Confluence as well as FDL. I have a pretty good idea as to what the manacled amphibian
really wants. I mean, could it
be more obvious?
Maybe we should encourage the PAL ladies (scroll down two posts for an explanation of that term) to put on their thigh-high stompin' boots -- the ones with the six-inch spike heels. Time for a squishy. And you
know he wants it.
(Thanks to
Boo Boo is being naughty again huh?
Yeah....Me thinks he wants to have his "thingees" squished.
What a jag off!
Big steaming piles at Boobman.
BooMan isn't worthy of the thigh-high boots and the whip. Maybe a pair of dogshit-covered Uggs and a cheese grater.
Happy New Year, Joseph, you sexy devil, you!!
People read this sh*t?
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