Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We've peaked

According to the Guardian, a whistleblower at the International Energy Agency says that U.S., in an effort to forestall panic buying, has deliberately fudged the numbers concerning how much oil we have left. If this source is correct, then the fields now producing some 70 million barrels a day will be reduced to less than 30 million barrels a day by 2030.

Game over, dude. We need a new game.


Anonymous said...

This has been going on for a very long time. Oil and Drugs are primary world wide products. Oil is openly marketed by companies using corruption embedded with conspiracies within Government(s)for profit taking and Drugs are world wide marketed coverty by our own government and others. Our problem is that drugs are being targeted to our children! I personally know people who are directly involved in the World Wide Drug Market.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

Zee said...

I dunno. I'm feeling railroaded.

Our gummint deliberately lied about rebates for efficient furnaces and boilers. In point of fact, there are no widely available 90% efficient oil furnaces, so the rebates are ONLY for home owners converting to gas.

And what happens when we're all stampeded into the next energy pen? More of the same. Still cattle. Veal, in fact.

lambert strether said...

Then again, I'm sure this story isn't a precursor to another round of market manipulation during the heating oil season. That would be foily.

djmm said...

Google "peak oil," Joseph. With relatively new techniques, however, we have better sources of natural gas than we do oil. And we will not run out of oil quickly -- but the theory is that we are probably producing about as much as we ever will.


MrX said...

Peak oil is known as a hoax even in conspiracy theory circles. They been screaming peak oil for ages. The simple fact is that they don't know how much oil is left. It's always been this way. Have the numbers been fudged? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean peak oil is happening now.

Expenential demand means that peak oil will happen at some point. It's been predicted this would happen at least 30 years ago. Hasn't happened. It was predicted it would happen 20 years ago. Didn't happen. On and on. It was at its highest in the late 90's and early 2000's. Now, it's just ridiculous and I feel sorry that you mentioned this as I know you like to avoid conspiracy theories. This one is so bad even conspiracy theorists don't touch it anymore.

Joseph Cannon said...

No offense, Mr X, but a comment like yours reminds me of the last line of "The Son Also Rises." The Guardian is a reputable journal, better than most, and when they say they've spoken to someone important at the IEA, I believe they have done just that.

Does that make it so? No. Does that make the story worth watching? Yes.

Bob Surunkle said...

30 years ago? that's bullshit. Hubbert said it would happen around now (and they called him a conspy guy when he said that US domestic oil would peak as well-- of course, once everyone realized he was right they started to listen to him, a little...

"even in conspiracy circles"

Well, if the tin foil hatters, Michigan Militia, Holocaust deniers and the AEI all say it's a crock then ...then what exactly? Thanks for that Mr. X

FWIW this is the chart Hubbert made in 1956: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hubbert_peak_oil_plot.svg
30 years ago my ass...

but y'all wanna stay warm this winter-- build one of these: http://www.instructables.com/id/Solar-Heater/ you can even do it cheaper, with black paint a bunch of tin cans and one pane of glass if you needed to... no oil. no greasy kids stuff.

Then again, in the conspy circles I hear the sun doesn't really exist, it's just aerosols of Bromium and Edward Teller's ashes
spewed from gray government jets...
and solar thermal heat was actually invented by the nazis with stolen UFO technology modified by the Mayans..

Joseph Cannon said...

Ooookay, Bob...I'll check it out...

In the meantime, I want to apologize to Hemingway fans. I meant, of course, "The SUN Also Rises."

One day I'll learn how to write comments at something less than white-hot speed. Then I won't make any typos.

Isn't it pretty to think so?

Tina Tequila said...

Drill Baby Drill.

MrX said...

"Well, if the tin foil hatters, Michigan Militia, Holocaust deniers and the AEI all say it's a crock then ...then what exactly? Thanks for that Mr. X"

It means you're being taken for a ride and are making conspiracy theorist look like intelligent, rational people who don't believe every crackpot theory that comes their way.

Now think... if conspiracy theorists say this is bunk, who is left that this would actually be called respectable news? Right, people more naive than even conspiracy theorists.