Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CNN: Tragic

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
CNN Leaves It There
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

I gave CNN a hard time not many days ago. Let's continue. (And who will be the first reader to catch the double meaning of this post's headline...?)


Anonymous said...

If John Oliver is correct, why isn't Mickey Kaus working at CNN?

MrMike said...

CNN should go to a missing blond cheerleader format for the entire 24 hour period.
I urge everybody to write their PUC demanding a'la carte programming from their satellite or cable TV providers. I don't watch cable "news" so why should I have to pay for it?

Gary McGowan said...

We are actors, on this stage, in this tragedy.

The subject of the drama is not here on the perceived stage, but, the mind of our brothers and sisters watching and listening.

The subject of the drama is the reaction to how the happenings in the shadow-land induce persons to leave our humble offering better citizens than those sovereign individual minds had been moments before… better able to master compulsions and obsessions which glide smoothly unnoticed, doing their work of devouring the soul of our divine human-ness.