Monday, September 07, 2009

To mark the death of the public option...

...I offer this artwork. (Click to enlarge.) If there are any Annoyed People out there, please don't call your lawyers. I'm not making any money.


Anonymous said...

Poor G-Dubya worked really hard for the title of Worst President Ever but it looks like he won't hold it for long.

Perry Logan said...

Now we know: young people today can't write a decent song, and they can't pick a Presidential candidate.

Anonymous said...

@ Perry Logan,
Sad, but true.

John Smart said...


Zee said...

Yeah, but're the #1 wrong person to judge art based on your own lack of talent and star-value. Don't give up the day job. I still have not recovered the lost time and revulsive shudders from viewing your ill-fated attempts to make yourself into a youtube sensation...and it's super rare I manage to remember a name for good or ill. Joseph, don't censor this,'s a public service if it prevents even one more infotainment attempt by Perry.

Joseph Cannon said...

Perry's fine by me. I liked the web page on his site with all the eyeballs.

DancingOpossum said...


Why the hostility? Have some coffee, or a shot of Jack or something. Sheesh.

The really troubling question, at this point, is who or what Obama is paving the way for. I shudder to think.