Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Tax credits..."?

From Obama's speech:
Now, for those individuals and small businesses who still can't afford the lower-priced insurance available in the exchange, we'll provide tax credits, the size of which will be based on your need.
Tax credits? First time I've heard anything about that. Previously, there has been much talk about subsidies. Guess that idea went out the window.

Very poor people who let their health insurance lapse also pay little in taxes. You might be surprised to learn how many people out there get by on roughly a thousand bucks a month, more than half of which goes to rent. A part-time worker on a payroll won't pay tax on the first $10,000. Struggling freelancers have so many deductibles that they often pay no taxes at all. (Many strapped businesses push employees into freelance positions.)

Now -- if I understand matters aright -- those same members of the working poor will face a $750 fine if they don't buy health insurance from a private insurer. Very poor people who have kids will pay a higher fine. But they will have that tax credit.

At least, that's how I interpret Obama's words. Am I wrong?


Dakinikat said...

Wasn't that one of the reasons we weren't supposed to vote for McCain? Tax Credits for buying health care instead of health care reform?

Anonymous said...

If you're already living paycheck-to-paycheck and still can't pay for food and shelter a credit at the end of the year won't help.

Anonymous said...

Some tax credits, like the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income credit are what they call, refundable..... you get the money whether you owe tax or not.
Other credit's like the educatuin credits are non refundable.... if you owe no tax, you loxe them.So.... obviously one needs to know what type of crdit is being offered before jumping off bridge....

Anonymous said...

That's how I see it. And how does a tax credit that comes once a year help to pay the premiums that you were supposed to buy the previous year?

These people are living on another planet.

Edgeoforever said...

Wasn't W offering tax credits as well? Trying to remember to help us do what - buy health insurance or something else?

Anonymous said...

What myiq2xu said, plus the sorry fact that many families never see a dime of their tax credits, refunds or periodic stimulus checks because of "federal" student loan default garnishments and the like.

(I parenthesized "federal" because, though the loans are federally backed, they were issued by Big Banks then bundled and resold many times over, so that, say, a "federal" student loan dating from the mid-1990s would now be owned by god-only-knows-whom-- yet that current owner is still federally guaranteed to get every penny of garnished wages, tax refunds/credits, not to mention usurious penalties and interest).

i3 said...

"Tax credit" has a broader meaning than you are aware of. Take a look at HCTC, for instance, which is a health care tax credit program currently in place for some pensioners which pays 80% of family healthcare, either yearly or monthly. Here is an IRS article on it:,,id=109915,00.html

Purple said...

Force the poor and young to buy insurance that is basically worthless. More money to speculate with.

The American political system is a rotted building just waiting for a strong wind to blow it down.

Anonymous said...

Tax credits don't pay the bills. But a fine from Uncle barry will make sure you can't pay your bill either.

Anonymous said...

There was a call for a 9/11/1991 ''peace keeping'' force to be placed in the region after the Gulf War, 9/11/01 was the Richard ''Pearl Harbor Event'' required for the Rahm Emanuel scenario ''Don't let a crisis go to waste'' that did it. I live inside the Beltway and I ran the tape from the Pentagon, for ABC National News, that day. Ironically the plane flew over my home after I hung up the phone, my father woke me, it was my day off when he called about the WTC. What makes it ironic is the fact that I told him ''I hope they don't hit the Pentagon'' and after I got out of the shower the plane buzzed by and hit the Pentagon. More ironic, he was the DIA director in until 99. I took him to be interviewed; by the late ABC DOD man, John McWethey, a few months before 911. John asked about Bin Laden. I tell you this so you know just where my perspective comes from when I say, anyone, that thinks 911 happened the way it has been offered officially, is delusional and probably has a Citi Bank account or a home that has devoured their principle with zero interest still filling their pea brain with similar delusions offered by the usual suspect. 911 is a bigger deal than most people can handle. It crushes the two party split, the religious division and all sense of nationalism no matter where you are or what country you are from. The fact is my friend, corruption has gone Biblical at this point and you better get your proverbial in tune with your literal arse. There are no friendlies in this system at this point and 911 well defines the deluded fools in finance all the way down to the idiot in the field listening to Tupac while he's getting some. I do not need to spend time explaining the connection, just go out and get your REAL ID this December and suck on a fructose stick from communist China while you gaze at FOX and CNBC etc... if you can't understand. The fact is 911 is part of a prophetic fulfillment of a strong delusion people just do not wish to consider as they languish in the delusion of their own Laodicean ignorance. 911 is an inside job all the way, don't kid yourself. If you want me to go drill the right teeth to prove it to your satisfaction, let me know your plan.
P.S. I told people, father included, that this would happen and that it would be just like the first time, complete bullshit and they would use it to invade Iran. Everyone with half a brain knew this crap but, for some reason the players on the inside just get caught up in the assigned mission tasked to them, they do not understand the ''New World Order'' mentality of globalism at any cost. That criminal idiot Bone Head Bush's dad said it best, the new world order is ''bigger than one country''. This was the first clue for morons in the field, you should realize what this means is, this idiot is willing to sacrifice our Constitution. If you still can't get that at this point and you can't see 911 for what it truly is, you are a fool of the first inversion.

Joseph Cannon said...

I normally would think twice about publishing this comment, since it's appended to the wrong post, it's anonymous, and it comes close to the CD thing. But I was wondering someone would post anonymously while simultaneously claiming to be the son of the DIA Director "until 1999."

The DIA Director who fits that description is Lieutenant General Patrick M. Hughes. If Hughes believes that 911 is an inside job, he did not so indicate when he spoke to the Senate Committee on governmental affairs.

He is also the leader of a private consulting firm specializing in intelligence. So...perhaps LTG Hughes will do the country a patriotic service and tell us whether 9/11 really was an inside job?

(Presuming that my correspondent really IS his son. I have as yet no proof of that.)