(Update: NewsMax has pulled the article. Here is a pdf copy.)
Perry warns of -- pushes for? -- a military coup against Barack Obama:
There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic.And so on. You get the picture. Perry's description seems to apply more to the Dubya administration than to Obama's. Of course, a Bush may do what a Dem may not.
America isn’t the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn’t mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it. So, view the following through military eyes:
# Officers swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Unlike enlisted personnel, they do not swear to “obey the orders of the president of the United States.”
# Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.
# They can see that Americans are increasingly alarmed that this nation, under President Barack Obama, may not even be recognizable as America by the 2012 election, in which he will surely seek continuation in office.
# They can see that the economy — ravaged by deficits, taxes, unemployment, and impending inflation — is financially reliant on foreign lender governments....
Perry, obviously, is engaging in an ancient tactic: Seeding treason while pretending to be a mere observer of events. His piece clearly segues into advocacy, even though he claims otherwise. Suppose someone were to publish lengthy, explicit directions on how to blow up the Washington Monument, only to end with the piece with the admonition: "This, we must never do." Would even the dullest dullard misunderstand that author's true intention?

Hannity himself may not have directly created this poll; apparently, his users did. Whoever set up this poll, and whoever responded to it, can be tracked via IP address.
Last June, the Wall Street Journal demonstrated that it could flout the laws against treason by publishing an explicit call for the dissolution of the United States.
I haven't had much liking for John Aravosis in a long, long time, but I certainly agree with his reaction:
If the Democrats don't step up and shut this kind of talk down right now, I fear we are going to see violence in this country. And yes, it will be the Republicans' fault. But it will also be the fault of the Democratic party for watching the crazy talk grow, and not doing a thing to stand up to it. At some point, silence abets.As you know, my own feelings toward Obama veer between irritation and repulsion. But those feelings are immaterial. I may dislike him almost as much as I disliked Dubya, but I still understand that he is the elected president. I never have advocated and never will advocate any extralegal method of removing any fairly elected politician from office -- indeed, I find any such suggestion to be beyond toleration. If the Republican party is going to call for armed revolution every time a Democrat takes the White House, then the Republican party may be considered a vehicle for treason.
From the United State Code, Chapter 115 -- Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activity -- section 2385:
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District orNow here's Section 2387, which may be even more germane to our present discussion:
Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
(a) Whoever, with intent to interfere with, impair, or influence the loyalty, morale, or discipline of the military or naval forces of the United States:Section 2383 -- Rebellion or Insurrection:
(1) advises, counsels, urges, or in any manner causes or attempts to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States; or
(2) distributes or attempts to distribute any written or printed matter which advises, counsels, or urges insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.Incidentally, militias are making a comeback, as I predicted they would. Section 2386 applies to them, I believe.
Perry has crossed the line. He has violated sections 2385 and 2387. If Obama's Justice Department does not bring charges, then this president has no balls.
Meanwhile... Arizona congressman Trent Franks -- a birther nutball -- has declared Barack Obama to be "an enemy of humanity." He also said that "Obama's first act as president of any consequence, in the middle of a financial meltdown, was to send taxpayers' money overseas to pay for the killing of unborn children in other countries."
Good lord. Do people actually buy this codswallop?
Do people actually buy this codswallop?
The people that watch FOX News, go to tea parties and listen to talk radio will buy anything.
According to the polls 1 in 4 people thought G-Dubya was doing an excellent job for 8 years.
United State Code, Chapter 115:
I can see some of Obama's activities accurately described in that chapter.
And Bush's also.
And Clinton.
And Reagan.
Different day... same sh*t.
the US laws are relatively lenient. In France for the same crimes as the ones described (subversion) the penalties are the following :
peacetime : prison 5 years and 75 000€ in fine.
wartime : LIFETIME prison and 750 000€ fine.
in both cases the persons would be stripped from their voting rights (= inegibility)and would probably have very big difficulties to get them back (first case).
For insurrection it's automatically lifetime.
the US can be considered at war right now and France to a certain extent too.
Damn, wish I was a language major, I'd be outta here in a New York minute to teach English in Asia. Then when it hits the fan here apply for refugee status.
The lunatic are gaining control of the asylum.
From what I read about it, if there would be an attempted coup it would probably start with Air force officers. Seems the fundie wack jobs have taken over the A F academy.
Someone isn't buying it because it looks like the article has been pulled...
"Different day... same sh*t."
We don't want to hear about your diet.
While I agree with almost every thing you said I in no way agree that Perry should be prosecuted for treason and would expect the ACLU to support him if he were. Which of course he won't be.
"But it will also be the fault of the Democratic party for watching the crazy talk grow, and not doing a thing to stand up to it. At some point, silence abets." - Aravosis
Sort of like all the "Faithful" who stood by while many of them trashed Clinton supporters as racists, claiming the Clintons themselves were DINOs, racists, and much, MUCH worse?
Sorry, John, ..... I agree with the premise that the Democratic party (and Obama) need to take a stand against the crazies, but Aravosis's whining is like trying to listen to Anne Coulter complaining about the need for civility in public discourse.
Whatever the case, we are in the midst of a White House Coup setup by mainly the big Banks. How I know is because I was in a family for more than 26 years who are directly involved with the Banks and others involved with the Coup and have been since the later 70's.
They have had plans for us for a very long time and I've been threatened many times while married. The Coup has been in operation for decades with small changes here and there until Bush was President and that's when things went into overdrive starting with 911 which was a kick off point.
However there is a good side and that is if you know about the Coup while watching the news you can spot an opposition working to stop it. As time has gone by more obvious situations are beginning to show themselves. But this doesn't mean it's over! We ALL have to do our part in making all of this known to others.
Keep in mind that my ex-sister-in-law's brother is Clyde O'Connor and her husband is Clyde's business partner.
Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL
More information about a White House Coup.....
Newsmax Columnist: Military Coup May Be Needed 'To Resolve The Obama Problem'
Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL
"I never have advocated and never will advocate any extralegal method of removing any fairly elected politician from office."
I do not believe he was fairly elected. I believe he stole the nomination but won the general election.
Do I want to see any kind of military coup happen? Hell, no! But I do not agree Aravosis should be one to complain about any language used to tear a leader down...
Though this piece is certainly alarming it is foolish to think Dems are not at least in part responsible for the disintegration of discourse in the U.S. Two thirds of the televised news in this country was overtly pro -Obama last year and most of this year. Shoving alternative voices down the rat hole has caused a furious backlash - the outskirts of that backlash can be read in articles at NewsMax all the time.
Still this is not the tragedy of Obama and his right wing opposition. The tragedy is that he had a CHANCE to correct and manage the seething anger that has been brewing for a long while and bring us through this tense moment. He has not opted to. He has yet to rise to the occasion. Oddly, though I find them an unbearable, he certainly has the skill lead from a higher plane.
Finally, the talk of assassination has become sickening. I do not like what it means about our undercurrent.
I can see some of Obama's activities accurately described in that chapter.
And Clinton.
Can someone here give Bob the names of a good neurologist (and a psychiatrist)?
Sergei Rostov
Remember Ann Coulter's rat poison comment?
Nothing came of that.
These Neo-Stalinist 'Obama Youth' indoctrination rituals in elementary schools are more incendiary than anything on FOX. Rather than worry about snap polls on Hannity, I'd advise 'Team Obama' to rethink the wisdom of pushing 'The People' too far. That's what you're saying, isn't it? You're afraid what 'We The People' might do?
Yes, I buy the idea that the seeds of radical transformation and threats to liberty are being sown by 'Team Obama' -- something far worse than the post-9/11 Patriot Act.
Rev. Sharpton playing the race card in NYC is one thing. But crying race to immunize a U.S. President from dissent? We're not talking about some post-9/11 "Rally Round The C-in-C" passing phase. Somebody better buy a clue.
wfr, I don't think you and I are exactly on the same page. We may not even be in the same library.
Watch out, Joseph!
Yman is leaving some serious stripes across sniveling Aravosis hind end. You may be Joey-come-lately on this spanking!!!
Again Joseph, thank you!! I cannot understand why more liberals are not making a huge deal over this! THe Glen Becks, Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannity's, Michael Savage, Mike Reagan, etc. These people have repeatedly called for killing liberals, 9-11 truthers, protestors, etc. They should be charged with a crime! WHy aren't they? WHen BUsh was prez, people were getting arrested for bumper stickers and t-shirts that were anti-Bush... Now under Obama, people are openly threatening the president. A rightwing whacko in Tennessee went into a church with the sole purpose of killing as many liberals as possible. He killed 5, but had about 70 more rounds to shoot. Thanks to a few brave liberals, he was stopped despite their being unarmed.
Didn't we learn anything from the machete massacre in Africa of Hutu/Tutsu's that amounted to 400,000 murders in a week all fueled and choreographed by rightwing hate radio?? IF there ever was a case for "never again", this should be it.
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