Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One final Kennedy conspiracy

Oh, this is cute. A story about the infidelity of John Edwards focuses, in large part, on his former aide Andrew Young, who didn't father the "love child" in the case. Young is writing a book. From the proposal:
Ted Kennedy once told Young about a would-be assassin who managed to get into his Senate office because one of his bodyguards was having a gay liaison with one of his top aides.
Hello...? Who was the assassin? How was he caught? Was there an arrest? Was there a hearing or a trial? If the assassin was not caught, how did Kennedy learn of his existence? When did all this occur?


Anonymous said...

It's kinda late to be asking Teddy for more details.

Nibbles said...

What. The. Fuck.

There are just so many things WRONG with that "information" being included in a book proposal that I don't even know where to start.