Sunday, September 27, 2009

Joseph Cannon, Illuminati master

Exposed: The Abramoff connection!


Anonymous said...

I pictured you taller, with longer hair.

Joseph Cannon said...

Actually, I go for the Yul Brynner look these days.

NYSmike said...

Have you been googling your name again Joe?

Joseph Cannon said...

How else would I have found out about the Abramoff thing?

Petersen Leigh said...

How could you Joe???

syborg said...

I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.

NYSmike said...

Tee hee!

daniel hopsicker said...

Don’t laugh, cause if you start, you may never stop.

You probably didn’t scroll down far enough to read this:

“Joe Cannon possibly influenced the decision to baptize Wally Hilliard into the Mormon Church and make him a Mormon Bishop, the Highest ranking official at the local Ward level. This gave Wally Hilliard a new "sheepskin" to operate from.

Wally Hilliard, who financed the flight school that trained the 9/11 hijackers to fly has publicly been reported for financial ownership of airlines and planes busted for narcotics trafficking. Wally Hilliard has never been prosecuted.

He has been linked to Joseph Cannon via the Republican Party and The Utah Illuminati family of Nate Oldham and his Father. Also, Wally Hilliard seems like the logical choice for supplying Nate Oldham with narcotics through Spanish Fork Airport, (located near Provo, Utah)”

Joseph Cannon said...

Yow. I didn't scroll down that far...

As Kirk once said of Spock: "He took a little too much LDS."

daniel hopsicker said...

that's funny. took too much LDS. i'll remember to used that with my "jack mormon" friends.

the hilliard connection appears to be undocumented, & may largely exist in the "illuminated" mind of the poster. on the other hand, the poster apparently lives in utah, has an ax to grind, and may know something. who knows? i've never gotten to the bottom of hilliard's mormon links. one insider wrote me once saying he was tied in with the grand poo-baahs (not her term, im sure) of the orlando temple

BDMcKenzie said...

Funny, because i always thought you were the guy who was on the 1st ever cover of Time Magazine-- the original "Tyrant from Illinois" before leading the unions of New York as a flapper/socialist, and then eventually the guy who belted out homers for the Jays in the late 70s... I guess I was wrong. You're still great, Joe.

Anonymous said...

For me, this was an interesting article....
I've posted for a long time about the family I was in for more than 26 years. OK, everyone is saying "yawn" here he goes again...

But the truth is they are set in an upper position within the Shadow Government linked with Abramoff and those associated with the President's assassinations. Kennedy as an example was well discussed within the family.

A few thoughts to consider is that the leaders of the family are all FreeMasons. Early on after getting married, my father-in-law wanted me to join. He didn't approach me but instead had someone else approach me and my wife and I went to many meetings. There I was almost attacked by their leaders wanting to interest me into joining. Considering that I was not only introduced to something different but that I was being aggressively pursued, I back away. But the family's link with the huge criminal system they ended up getting caught up in was through being FreeMasons.

I was told that Kennedy was assassinated for a variety of reason but mainly because he wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve. It's interesting that other Presidents wanted to straighten out the Money/Bank issues and upon doing so they were also assassinated.

While discussing President Kennedy's assassination with the family, other Presidents who were assassinated were discussed. I couldn't talk about this before because it sounded too strange for anyone to believe it but it's entirely true.

Another interesting point to bring up is about Abramoff. I was asked to fly down to Florida in 1990 and spend time with Gus Boulis. The criminal system for a long time had been obsessively following him. They felt he had the Golden touch and wanted to know everything about him. The family wanted me to start a sandwich business in the Chicago area copying what Gus was doing. I would end up spending time with the Shadow people there who would introduce me to Gus. Luckily I happily declined probablly because the family went nuts with me going and I felt there was a lot more to it that wasn't being said.

Then in 1996 the family was approached to buy into Gus's Casino Boat Business. Only this time it was in New York and the family really wanted to own the Florida business. Now remember they were totally obsessed with Gus and owning his casino business made them crazy. There were many family fatherings where they spend the entire time trying to figure out how much money Gus was making and could steal.

Finally later in the year, they turned down the offer. It was the hot topic during the entire year. Everyone always asked "Are we in the Casino business yet"?

However while trying to figure out who was going to be in the group to own the business, Abramoff's name came up more than a few times. Not only him but also his pal who ended up partnering with him later did as well. So you should be able to see that both Kidan and Abramoff where interested in Gus's business from the start as much as my ex-wife's afmily was. So this also says, they have been obsessed with him all along too and this was in 1996.

Lets spead up the clock and look at what happened with Gus in Florida to make him loose his business. And that a SECRET contract was written, signed and stored in the Attorney General's office with Gus. Why is that? Simple as the entire southern area of the US is controled by the Shadow Government is what I was told.

Another point but at this time I can only say little is the story of the FBI Agend who was fired. Maybe it needs to be known more about his partner who seems to have been forced into retirement. His name is John Vincent and it would be important to read up on him. Right now I'm not allowed to talk about this and when there is a green light, many questions on everyone's mind will come together.

Remember, the family talked all about 911 back in 1996 as well as other plans with some including our Economic collapse.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL