Naturally, Israeli authorities denounced this claim as an "anti-Semitic" canard. From the Christian Science Monitor of January 14:
"The IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] acts only in accordance with what is permitted by international law and does not use white phosphorus," IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi told Israel's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday in response to a query.Previously, the only pieces of photographic evidence presented in the western media looked like the picture at the top of this page. The images were distant, antiseptic, open to interpretation. Now I would like to show you some much more shocking photographs.

Keep these photographs in mind when you weigh "official" Israeli assurances they they never harvested organs from killed Palestinians during the 1992 intifada. (Also see the important videos here.)
I don't know which is worse -- the soldiers who commit these atrocities or the American supporters of Israel who somehow manage to rationalize this barbarity.
I admire your courage. This shit bugs the hell out of me. I grew up in post World War II Germany.
We were shown graphic movies of the Holocaust when I was 6 years old and on. All of my life I was appalled at what my own people did, and I rose to the defense of Jewish people at every opportunity I had.
That is....until I started noticing that the abused people in their new nation were becoming (just like most of our imprisoned inmates) more and more like the abusers they had come from.
It's a tough thing for me to now put them into the same category of abusers they still shill to be victims of, while perpetuating the whole concept.
That nation needs some serious intervention, but perhaps it's already too late for that.
And they would need to actually be willing to look at their own actions - not likely from what I see.
God bless you Israel. Perhaps you could take out some time to reflect. I was totally behind you for most of my 59 years. But I just can't do it anymore, in the face of Cast Lead (the last straw), and many questions before that.
Look inside, not outside, if you can, for the problems that haunt you, and get some national counseling before you destroy yourself and much that surrounds you.
thank you, joseph, for posting these photos and articles. the magnitude of karma being created makes you wonder, where is this leading? what is in the heart and soul of Israel that allows people to commit such barbarism and then flagrantly deny it? and when will the world WAKE the f*%k UP and say ENOUGH!
How many people said "enough" when we were slaughtering the Indians?
If Custer had white phosphorus, would he have used it? I think he would have.
Sure the whiskey pete use is a war crime. Hardly worse than the paroxsymal firing of over 1 million cluster bombs into the country of Lebanon in the face of IDF defeat, after the devastation of 1/3 of the civilian infrastructure of the country, another war crime.
To put it in perspective, this wanton use of cluster bombs, supplied by the US, violates the terms of weapons export, and should by law require the cessation of all supply to Israel. Likewise, Israel's failure to enroll and comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) regime, despite having the 3rd to 4th largest nuclear arsenal in the world, should also by law require the cessation of arms export and most commercial interactions with Israel.
US law, like international law, is being routinely ignored. The Israelis bear their own responsibility for violating international law. Who bears responsibility when US laws are violated?
China admits death row organ use. Now it's Israel's turn.
Can anyone remember the "Fire bombing of Dresden and japan?"
And yes....Custer would have gladly used "White phosphorus" to ensure his victory!
Joe, thanks for this.
More importantly, you've actually got PICTURES here, which makes the difference. Too many progs talk and talk and talk, but show nothing to back it up.
I have nothing against the people of Israel. I do have a major problem with their government that chooses to use this weapon against innocent people. This doesn't make me an anti-semite--you can criticize the government of Israel without falling into that trap.
Again, thanks. The pictures are tough, and raw, but they're proof.
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