Sunday, August 23, 2009


Joe Lieberman wants Congress to pursue health care reform "incrementally." Of course he wants to wait. He wants to wait until the Republicans regain the House. I hope to God that Alec Baldwin runs (as he has threatened to do) and kicks Lieberman's ass.


MrX said...

Alec Baldwin? My goodness, what have we Canadians done? I apologize on behalf of all self respecting Canadians that it's come down to voting for a Baldwin.

Bob Harrison said...

That would be Joe Lieberweasel.

Sextus Propertius said...

Alex Baldwin was born in the US (Amityville, NY - no jokes please). If, however, Canada would like to apologize for inflicting Celine Dion on us, I'd be happy to accept free enrollment in Canada's national health system as fari compensation ;-)

MrX said...

Damn! You're right. He is American. Why in the world did I think he was Canadian? This changes everything.

As for Celine, I will not apologize. She is from Quebec. They need to apologize to the rest of Canada first.

DancingOpossum said...

Oh, Alec Baldwin would be a thousand times better than Joementum! Bring it on, I say.