Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's the Wolf!

Gun sales have risen 42% since Obama's election, driven by rumors that the ascent of the Dimmycrats would inevitably result in the long-dreaded Great Gun Round-Up. Other sources give an even higher percentage. It occurs to me that if I were a handgun manufacturer, I would pray for the election of a Democrat, in order to drive up sales.

Of course, crackpots have been warning about the Great Gun Round-Up ever since I was a kid: "It'll happen next year! The law's already on the books!"

Wolf! Wolf!

It really is getting wacky out there. Here's a video by the euphoniously named endtimeswatchman. Or here:
i think people need to buy guns now and stock ammo. the end is coming and coming fast.
Wolf! Wolf! Just like in the Tex Avery cartoons!

Now look here:
Buy guns now before it is to late. The Civil War was about states rights. Looks like they didn't get the message the 1st time.
Someone on Yahoo Answers asked if Obama will ban guns. The "best" answer:
Yes, he won't just TRY, he WILL.
Wolf! Wolf! Boy, you should see the fangs!

Our old friends at Soldier of Fortune offer "Obama's" alleged gun ban list. The "list" actually is a deranged interpretation of a doomed-to-fail bill proposed by NY representative Carolyn McCarthy in 2007. Somehow, the loons at SoF think that Obama is responsible for every piece of failed legislation proposed by any Democrat during the Bush years.

Wolf! Wolf! It says it will rip my throat out if I don't hand over my Smith and Wesson! And it also wants to ban all religious broadcasting!

Of course, there will be no successful gun control legislation of any kind during the next eight years. You know that and I know that. That particular wolf is politically extinct. The Democrats in Congress are in enough trouble; they will not mire themselves in another pointless, nightmarish "debate" that they cannot win.

The larger issue isn't the Second Amendment. It's the sheer wackiness engulfing our national debate. We've entered a cloud of paranoia. I oppose the Obama who actually exists, but I also oppose the right-wingers battling an Obama who exists only in their hallucinations.


MrMike said...

Paranoia is like el nino it's always there just more obvious in Democratic administrations.
What worries me is that some low IQ loon is going to be driven over the edge by all the rhetoric coming from the fringes and do something stupid that gets innocent people killed.

Tony B. said...

ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS doesn't really move me, and neither does the excessive distribution of exclamation points!!!!!!

I find these people dull and predictable. (!!!!!!!)

Nicole said...

All caps and multiple exclamation points are for amateurs.

jbjd said...

I concede, we 'birthers' are crazy, stupid, right-wing racists, and any other pejorative word you would use to describe us. Okay? But whether Barack Obama is a Natural Born Citizen, this would appear to be true: Nancy Pelosi Certified he was a Natural Born Citizen to state elections officials to get them to print his name next to the "D" on the general election ballot without having confirmed whether he was Constitutionally eligible for the job. And in those states with laws that require the candidate for POTUS from the major political party to be eligible for the job, her conduct constitutes election fraud.

Ignoring unpleasant facts is the same as drowning out the opposition. Please, just give me a chance to explain. Read the last few posts on , especially these two: "Rumors, Lies, and Unsubstantiated 'Facts'"; and "If Drowning Out Opposing Facts is un-American then Ignoring Unpleasant Facts Must be un-American, too."

Zolodoco said...

Banning religious broadcasts... Can we include radio pundits? I often can't tell the difference.