Saturday, August 22, 2009

I post this clip primarily because I like the interview with Congressman Weiner, which takes up the latter half of the video. However, the first part is also worth watching. I especially liked hearing from the Republican who believes that hordes of refugees have fled totalitarian Germany because the people there suffer so horribly under their socialist health care system.

By the way... Have you gone tip-toeing through the progosphere over the past couple of days? The progs are going nuts. They are increasingly pissed at Obama, but they still refuse to admit that bloggers like (a-HEM!) yours truly had it right all along.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Joseph, I did not watch the video, but from the picture the congresswoman looks like Bachman.

I do not know much about her except her reputation for being outrageous.

However, in this instance, though she would have her facts wrong regarding "fleeing", she may be correct re attitude.

This link was sent to me a couple of days ago by a German professor friend/former neighbor, with the simple comment, "go figure, I will phone you this week-end and we will talk further about it".,1518,634122,00.html

I lived in Germany for 10 plus years. Was there when the wall came down. It was never all joy and happiness, as the world was led to believe, nor is it now, as Der Spiegel points out.

East and West were truly 2 different countries, with 2 different socialogical mindsets. Reconciliation still has not occurred.

Ironically, the percentage of those with DDR nostalgia is probably considerably lower than the number of Westerners who wanted to rebuild the wall by 1990.