Friday, August 07, 2009

Beware sucking vortices

Proof that life keeps getting more surreal. Here's a headline on TPM:
Birther Vortex Sucks In Innocent Australian Man
Pause for a moment, and try to imagine how a visitor from 2007 might interpret that sentence.

Apparently, a woman named Orly Taitz is at the center of the vorticial suckage. God, the fun I could have with a name like Orly Taitz if I did not have feminist readers.


Jesus X. Crutch said...

Oily Taint is kinda asexual, in my opinion, now "sucking vortices", let's not go there!

gary said...

Obama was born in ... Canada! It's in the Globe.

britgirls said...

Oh, Joe! This did remind me of home sweet home. I'll explain.

I grew up on a cul-de-sac called Snell Hatch (God, knows where the city planners came up with that name). Anyway, we ALWAYS referred to it as Hell's Snatch (the portal to Hell!!!). And this was way before the "Hellmouth" on Buffy.

And now you tell me of the fate of this poor man. I'll have to give dear old mum a call and ask how she likes her new Aussie neighbor.

As for Oily T!ts. Has she sued her parents yet? She really should.

Anonymous said...

I was brought up to believe it was rude to make jokes about people's names.

And how is making antifeminist (offensive-to-women) jokes about Taitz different from offensive "jokes" about Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin?

You should have another site, for men only, where you could express yourself freely. Those damn wimmen!


mfpdx said...

Awe....go ahead, we would love it - that thang is part both, lol!