Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obot nutjobs

I canned the Buzzflash feed on this blog when Mark Karlin joined the Obama-is-Jesus-and-Hillary-is-Satan movement. So what kind of reader does the site attract these days? Well, if you go there right now, you will see that the top reader-submitted article is a compendium of long-debunked 9/11 crank theories -- e.g., "No jet hit the Pentagon!" Tellingly, the title of the crank piece makes reference to "Adolph" Hitler.

A lot of people think that the PUMA folk and the "birther" nutjobs are one and the same. Wrong, wrong, wrong -- as any reader of this site (or the Confluence) will know. The die-hard Obots are the ones displaying an incurable addiction to crackpottery.


djmm said...

Yes, I fled from Buzzflash when they began swilling kool-aid wholesale. Too bad -- it used to be a great site. I am sorry to hear that it has fallen further.

Welcome back, Joseph -- you were missed.


Perry Logan said...

Buzzflash, HuffPo, and Democratic Underground all became unsuitable for children during the primaries.

Zee said...

Serves Mark "O-fluffer" Karlin right.

Thanks for the report!