Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hallucination springs eternal

In light of Obama's sorry record (as enumerated two posts below), I wondered if any Obots were still able to rationalize his antics. As you know, rationalization is my favorite form of humor. After skulking around Daily Kos for a while, I found a commenter named I love OCD who, like Linus in the pumpkin patch, has managed to keep the faith despite all counter-evidence.

Warning: This is hilarious stuff. Before reading, sip some diet soda and hold it in your mouth. You and your friends can compete for nasal squirt distance.

After a discussion of America's job exportation and how it harmed both American and Chinese workers, OCD chimes in:
I think it will change, because the President wants it to change. Have you ever paid attention to how Geithner is treated by the West Wing staff? They dismiss him. He's an insider in Wall Street, and he's necessary to changing things. That's all. He knows what needs to be regulated, why, and how. He knows where the skeletons are buried, and without him they'll never be brought to light. This libertarian nonsense about a Wall Street administration is just that, nonsense.

Obama knows that this country is finished as a major power if we don't start being innovators, creators, and manufacturers again....

We need to be ready to support changes with all of our energy. If you're convinced this is a Wall Street administration, you're useless as a voice for change.
Another (more sensible) Kos reader counters this assessment by bringing up Larry Summers, described (correctly) as a "putrid neoliberal Friedmanite pile of economic malfeasance." OCD, undaunted, explains that the Lightbringer is really the enemy of Wall Street, and the presence of Summers simply testifies to Obama's superior strategy:
I'm not thinking Larry Summers is any more popular than Geithner is. Having your enemies close is necessary when you're not privy to the secrets.
This prompted a snarky comment about the wisdom of giving one's "enemies" a trillion and a half to disburse.

Now, you would think that this rejoinder would have shamed OCD into silence. Not so:
Who else would do it? someone who knows nothing about what's going on? Someone with a 2 year learning curve? If it's paid back I don't care who disbursed it. If it's not, I want to know what happened. The assumption that Obama is in Wall Street's pocket is really destructive, especially since there's no proof.
All right, 'fess up. The moment you read the words "no proof," how far did you nasally squirt your Diet Coke? I imagine that your monitor probably needs cleaning right now. Let us pause for a moment.

Done? All right. Now load up with soda again. This time, aim for the closet door:
Really, do you have any proof this administration is fucking us over? Proof, not depression and victimization and hopelessness.
How'd you do? I was able to squirt my initial on the door. A nice big C.

Of course, one will never be able to convince Our Credulous Democrat that the Obi in office today bears no relationship to the hallucinatory Messiah he saw in his mind's eye during 2008. The die-hard Obots on Kos remind me of Adolf in the bunker, screaming against the defeatists and refusing to admit that the war might be lost.

John Frum
, he come. He bring cargo from ancestors.


Anonymous said...

Diet Pepsi burns the sinuses

Anonymous said...

This yo-yo is being paid to post this baloney. They have probably promised him health insurance after six months of selling his soul. Idiot.

RedDragon said...

Who would have thought cold coffee would burn so much!

Please excuse me now while I attempt to repair my sinus'

Anonymous said...

I was house-sitting for someone, and thanks to your forewarning, I managed to water her whole lawn - twice.

Sergei Rostov

Zee said...

Anonymous is right...obviously "I love OCD" loves his disorder because it allows him to enjoy obsessively defending the OMessiah for whatever it is they pay him.

Loved the spanking, and found another OCD posting on kos when someone there had the wherewithal to understand that the 911 tape proved that the pig Crowley was *lying* in his police report about what Lucia Whalen said and possibly more.

Sorry I can't get into the nose-squirting, but OCD's defense of the Magic Man's transcendent peacekeeping makes me want to VOMIT instead.

Following this comment regarding how Zero should not have invited a lying pig who invaded a home and falsely arrested the resident is OCD's cult message:

...but should he be inviting this guy to the WH when his report is now suspect? Isn't it a crime to file a false report?

by freespeech on Mon Jul 27, 2009 at 01:02:31 PM PDT

True, but that's not (1+ / 0-)
Obama's problem - he's a good man reaching out, making peace, talking about the history of racism, and what we have to do to heal these old wounds, and Crowley is an arrogant, defensive cop who lied. Sounds okay to me.

by I love OCD