Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not ANOTHER affair...

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford admits that his strange disappearance was due to an affair. In Argentina. The "hiking the Appalachian Trail" thing was his idea of a cover story.

Look, we all more or less suspected that a woman was involved, but at this point, Sanford's explanation seems so -- ordinary. Dull. Couldn't he have pulled a "Sister Aimee" and come up with some yarn about being kidnapped?


Anonymous said...

Politician has an affair

Dog bites man


RedDragon said...

Oh snap!

another politician had an affair. what else is new? Maybe 47 million Americans without Health Care?

Anonymous said...

The State newspaper had the emails since December and they were looking for confirmation of authenticity, so when they cornered him coming off a plane from Argentina...
In any case, it is suspected that Sanford spoke out publicly about the affair because the State was about to print the emails.