Friday, May 22, 2009

What's with all this Cheney shit?

As I was walking up the stair
I met a man who still is there
He simply would not go away
And now I fear he's here to stay

Why is Dick Cheney still a factor? Why is he being interviewed and quoted? Why are journalists and pundits so eager to discuss the wit and wisdom of Dick Cheney? Why are so many news stories being framed in terms of "Dick Cheney versus Barack Obama" or "Dick Cheney versus Nancy Pelosi"?

In terms of popular appeal, Dick Cheney is Small Time. The man is not exactly a welcome presence on the national scene -- in fact, he's about as welcome as a vomit popsicle. I haven't bothered to check recent polls, but I'm sure that if we toted up all of his strong admirers and compared that figure to the number of nipples on my dog Bella, Bella's number would be higher.

So why is Dick Cheney everywhere?

Who was quoting Al Gore (a much more popular and admirable politician) in 2001? Was Fritz Mondale all over the news in 1981? After Bill Clinton took the oath in 1993, did journalists try to create a "debate" between Clinton and Dan Quayle?

Come to think of it, would anyone give a damn about Dubya's opinion on anything right now? (Hell, the world stopped caring about his opinion more than a year ago.)

So what's with all this Cheney shit?


Perry Logan said...

I was nodding in agreement with your post...and then I reflected that--since the Bush Administration was never elected, and since Cheney actually ran the goverment--this crazy old coot was quite literally the first dictator of our nation.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Cheney controls and in turn is controlled by the people who own the Main Stream Media, and it's really THEIR agenda that's being advanced.

Anonymous said...

Vomit worthy indeed. He's being quoted all over the place and yesterday at work everytime I walked past the plasma t.v. in the main employee area, his twisted face was splattered on the screen.

Then again, the big con of the election was that Obama was some sort of socialist and I suppose the Republicans have got to keep up the charade.

A third theory is that the Obama White House made a strategic error when in the first days of the administration they decided to trot out Rush as their whipping boy. Cheney has just picked up the gauntlet.

Just throwin' stuff out there.

Anonymous said...

Dog and pony show..they are putting him out make people "love" Obama matter what he does. While we spend time bitching about Cheney being out there on the front stage we ignore the fact that Obama is continuing exactly the programs and policy of his is to make us "love Obama" no matter what he does to us!!
I believe Obama and Cheney are working together to put on one hell of a dog and Pony show..or good cop bad cop, whatever metaphor you want to use.
So what has Obama done much different that Bush/Cheney? fact, he has taken many of the Bush/Cheney policies and made them even worse for the American people..but you love it don't you,because it "ISN"T CHENEY" doing it ..
Cheney and Obama are playing us..remember they are related ..remember what Mrs. Cheney came out and said ..they are relatives..old Cheney and Obama..there are no coinsidences..anymore.

MrMike said...

Missing blond cheerleader syndrome?
Perish the thought that TV news actually delivers news. I blame 60 minutes for the long slide into tabloid journalism that passes for news programs today.
But then one cable news host going into orgasmic frenzy, leaving a trail of DNA down the inside of his trouser leg, and another dousing his desk with spittle as he rants makes for high comedy.

Bob said...

The version I heard:

"I saw a man apon the stair,
And when I looked, he wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
Gee, I wish he'd go away."

That's Cheney to a "T".

Anonymous said...

Al Gore didn't have much to say, for a period he says was 'two years' after he left office, and which his critics call a lie, because it was only 21 months instead of 24 months (September of 2002, in the buildup to the Iraq war).

But, ok, for 21 months, Gore held his tongue, making no public pronouncements or addresses. (When he did, of course he was attacked mercilessly by the MM, who didn't bother to cover much of what he had to say, even then).

I'm beginning to think similarly to a poster above, that this is an elaborate kabuki effort to get cover for the truth commission that Democrats support (although Obama does not, to date), ala the FDR quote to his more leftward constituencies ("I favor your suggestions, now go out and make me do them").

How would that work? Using juijitsu on the GOP's call for investigating Pelosi, to create the momentum (as 'asked for' by the GOP)?

Some or all of this may be a power system initiative (the white glove/white shoe Establishment imperialists wanting to return to their prior velvet-glove fascism, instead of the past naked faced steel gauntlet blatant torture regime), quite apart from anything Obama is doing, IMO.


Joseph Cannon said...

In other words, XI, you've turned into yet another one of those tired old "11 dimensional chess" theorists.

Well, the XI nomenclature should have been a giveaway...

DancingOpossum said...

I've been wondering the same thing, about Gingrich as well. Why the tired old decomposing-as-we-speak old vampires that nobody liked even when they were at the height of their former glory? Why?

I suspect that to the addleheaded MSM, Dick Cheney is a bloodthirsty ghoul who can never get enough of killing, torturing, maiming, and generally being a nasty Mr. Cruella DeVille. That, in their eyes, makes him A Very Serious Person, whose views should be accorded the utmost respect. Whereas someone like Dennis Kucinich, who favors mercy and justice, is viewed as a hopelessly unserious nutjob.

(And yes, Kucinich may have some wacky ideas about things, but ALL of Cheney's blood-howling ideas are insane--and insanely dangerous.)

Anonymous said...

Cheney is a Sith

Anonymous said...

To be more clear, perhaps, I do not believe Obama is the one playing this situation (11-dimensionally or in any other way). Certainly, he could not be directing Cheney to play his role, at least in any scenario I can imagine.

Rather, it would be whatever power group or power group coalition that has their new shiny frontman in place, whose nomination/election/installation/rapid policy reversals were indeed impressively and efficiently put into effect.

Not Obama, but well above his pay grade, to the paymasters.


Anonymous said...

Even more oddly, how does Cheney's DAUGHTER rate her couple dozen appearances?

What does SHE know, other than regurgitated papa talking points?

At least Cheney used to be the president.


Antifascist said...

Unfortunately, most folks are missing the point of Cheney's return from his "secure, undisclosed location."

While his poll numbers are (justly) in the toilet, so to speak, we ignore at out own peril who his "constituency" actually is.

A life-long political insider, the former veep is speaking for the corporatist wing of the Military-Industrial-Security complex.

As a spokesperson for the most extreme, rightist elements within the CIA, the military and the corporate grifters who have made billions off the so-called "war on terror," that is, America's unelected permanent "shadow government," it is their "unfinished business" that should occupy our time and not irrelevant questions as to whether or not Obama has "betrayed" his "progressive values."

Obama hasn't any, so the question of "betrayal" is mooted in advance. That some "liberals" and "progressives" are falling all over themselves in their "defense" of Obama would be laughable if there was anything to defend!

The sad truth is, right from the get-go Obama's first selections to lead his national security "team" demonstrated his desire to continue Bushist policies, adorned of course, with a smiley face.

Still, the vociferous attacks by Cheney and the far-rightists' he fronts for do indeed represent a significant danger to a functioning democracy.

Similar to right-wing attacks on Kennedy in the wake of the CIA's Bay of Pigs fiasco, Cheney's crew are utterly hostile to republican (small "r") values and are a visible manifestation of what Peter Dale Scott and other analysts have called the "deep state."

How else can one interpret Cheney's statement, "I would advise the administration to think very carefully about the course ahead," than as an ominous threat.

The Democrats as if on cue, fall in line and capitulate despite their near super-majority in Congress. Venality isn't the only issue here!