Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"That's an extremist statement"

Jesse "the Body" Ventura visited the View and shocked Elizabeth Hasselbeck by talking sense:
“If waterboarding is okay, why didn’t we waterboard [Timothy] McVeigh and [Terry] Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombers, to find out if there were more people involved? What’s your answer to that?” he asked. “We only seem to waterboard Muslims.”

“That’s an extremist statement,” said Hasselbeck.
No, Liz. It's a perfectly reasonable statement. Your stance is extremist. To Americans who think as Hasselbeck thinks, some terrorists have more rights than others do. The ones with white skin are privileged.


Perry Logan said...

I must admit, Jesse was awesome.

To balance things out: Jesse also believes international bankers would fund a plan to shut down Wall Street.

Anonymous said...

Since we can't know what crimes people might have committed or be planning, the government should waterboard everyone they suspect just to be safe.

That's how the secret police do it in dictatorships - once they suspect you they keep digging until they find something.

By "digging" I mean "enhanced interrogating" and by "find something" I mean "you confess"

Anonymous said...

Hey, Andy the German is still alive. Let's go get him to see if waterboarding is still torture after Pelosi admittedly signed off.

Zee said...

Yeah, everyone seems to forget the domestic terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi did not sign off on torture.

The laws of classified briefings and information left her with few options if any other than the ineffectual secret letter writing method tried later by then-ranking member of the intel committee Jane Harman.


Sextus Propertius said...

From Hasselbeck's point of view, it is an extremist position to believe in Constitutional protections, inalienable rights, and the rule of law. Authoritarians have always felt that way, and the Constitution has always been a revolutionary and extremist document to them. They've been trying to chip away at it ever since the ink was dry.