You know that little two-note figure (doodle-doodle-doodle-doodle) running in the background of most Glass works? That was the song of the progs: Racist racist racist racist racist racist ra-CIST ra-CIST ra-CIST ra-CIST ra-CIST ra-CIST RAY-cist RAY-cist RAY-cist...

Even with Obama in charge, anti-war Democrats powerless...have pulled the scab off the deep and lingering wounds of bigotry. Here's Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake, as quoted in the Washington Post:
"Since he's been inaugurated, Barack Obama has demonstrated a remarkable desire to keep evidence of Bush crimes generally, and Bush's torture regime specifically, concealed," said Jane Hamsher, the founder of the Fire Dog Lake blog in an email exchange with the Fix. "Some of his supporters won't care. But others believe he is betraying promises he made on the campaign trail about transparency, and there is a growing sense that he is becoming complicit in the crimes he is attempting desperately to shield from public scrutiny."Oh, Jane. Why all the hatred, Jane? I can't read Firedoglake now without wanting to take a shower.
Now let us stalk little Davey Sirota, who seems bothered by Obama's studied inattention to single payer:
Listening to a 2003 Obama speech, it's hard to believe he has become such an enigma. Back then, he declared himself "a proponent of a single-payer universal healthcare program"...
In that speech six years ago, Obama said the only reason single-payer proponents should tolerate delay is "because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House."
Of course, even as a senator aiming for the "possible" in a Republican Congress, Obama promised to never "shy away from a debate about single payer." And after the 2008 election fulfilled his precondition of Democratic dominance, it was only logical to expect him to initiate that debate.I'll tell you what it is Davey: You're a bigot, plain and simple.
That's why the White House's current posture is so puzzling. As the Associated Press reports, Obama aides are trying to squelch any single-payer discussion, deploying their healthcare point-person, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., to announce that "everything is on the table with the single exception of single-payer."
So it's back to why -- why Obama's insurance-industry-coddling inconsistency? Is it a pol's payback for campaign cash? Is it an overly cautious lawmaker's paralysis? Is it a conciliator's desire to appease powerful interests? Or is it something else?
Even our old friend AntiFascist has become mired in the tar-pits of intolerance:
Big Increases for Intelligence and Pentagon "Black" Programs in 2010Just look at the words: "Black Programs" and "dark path." Consciously or unconsciously, the writer has chosen to employ verbiage which perpetuates the legacy of white supremacy. Only a true racist would use the term "Black Programs" instead of the value-neutral "covert programs." (AntiFascist should have learned this lesson in 2008, when a politician in Texas taught the nation that the phrase "black hole" is inherently racist.)
Continuing along the dark path marked out by his predecessors in the Oval Office, President Barack Obama's Defense and Intelligence budget for Fiscal Year 2010 will greatly expand the reach of unaccountable agencies--and the corporate grifters whom they serve.
Over on Kos, most of the patrons are still racism-free -- that is to say, most of them still consider Obama to be the Messiah. Alas, some former O-fans have allowed hate to warp their souls. Witness:
I'm tired of folk like Mr. Obama - who by force of threatening me with prison if I don't financially contribute to his war efforts - who then goes on and uses my money to blow up innocent people in countries such as Pakistan that really haven't done anything to us.Didn't the author of that text ever hear the song "You have to be carefully taught"?
Obama is a war criminal...and he should be prosecuted for it.Phew! Now I ask you: What, if not bone-deep racism, could possibly cause these people to emit such vile verbiage? Fortunately, that Goebbels mentality is still a rarity in Cheetoland.
Even at Democratic Underground, one can see a few attendees wearing white sheets:
Even the fact that this anti-war candidate has now escalated war rather than "change the mindset" is troubling imo.
Remember, that even Petraeus wanted ALL the photos released . . .!!!!Yow. Just feel the hate! It burns like lye...
Fortunately, most parts of the Democratic Underground landscape seem to be relatively racism-free:
Prez Obama is a hero and while I don't worship him or anything else..I do appreciate his contribution to our country.Admirable. However, I'm a little troubled by that hesitancy to embrace the concept of "worship." Remember: The earwig of racism seeks to invade even the most liberal cranium.
This D.U. poster seems to have scrubbed the bigotry right out of his soul:
Obama Is NOT Defending Torture or Bush/Cheney and he's Certainly Not Breaking The Law
This bullshit meme needs to end here at DU. Those repeating it are causing harm to the party and to the Democratic and Liberal causes.
Obama is absolutely not defending torture by asking the court to reconsider it's decision. He's within his legal right to do so. And he's stated the reasons for this, on the record.
Obama has listened to all parties and has made a judgement call that releasing previously unreleased photos to the publicKeep rationalizing. If you don't, your name is Adolf. Follow the lead of this D.U. poster:
1) Add nothing to the argument or currently ongoing investigations into torture by the DoJ
2) Place Americans abroad at an unnecessary increased risk of harm
I think that one reason why Obama does not want to pursue the torture either by an investigation committee or by releasing the photos, is because he wants to improve relationship with the Muslim world. Next month he will be visiting Egypt and last think he needs is to have those photos, in addition to Abu Ghraib ones, posted on local papers and on banners of protests "welcoming him."Control your thoughts. Do not allow even the slightest hint of anti-Obamaism to infect your mind. Because there is one -- and only one -- reason why anyone would ever take a stand contrary to that of Our Leader: Racism.
I trust Obama to handle these abuses in his own way, away from headlines.
Or so I was told, incessantly, throughout 2008.
The One is just testing our faith.
"Obama! Obama! Obama!"
LoL, I love coming to this site. It mirrors my feelings and politics exactly, down to the Israel / Palestine situation. I'll keep looking for an area of disagreement, but in the year+ I've been coming here, I've yet to find it.
You go Joe!
Love the last quote.(rolling eyes)
We sure don't want any bad photo ops for dear leader cuz that would, like, make him look bad.
I wish I'd thought of this at the time, so as to post this on the Cheetoh or whathaveyou:
"I now realize that I'm not threatened by Obama because he doesn't look black to me. Therefore, in an effort to cure myself of my own racism, I am undertaking the daunting task of darkening all my photos of him."
Sergei Rostov
That poster on DU should have known better, and had a picture of Obama directing a bunch of white guys to sweep stuff under the rug. :)
in 2008, when a politician in Texas taught the nation that the phrase "black hole" is inherently racist. Oh no, what is Stephen Hawking going to do now...?
Sergei Rostov
I always believed that a good portion of the liberals who gave Obama their unquestioning support did so because they had some inner fear they might be racists and wanted to prove to the world they were not.
I also think that people like Donna Brazile knew this and played on these insecurities by constantly telling anyone who questioned Obama to "stop the hating", which essentially accused the person of racism.
I hear crying, and it's music to my ears.
Only yesterday at work, I was told that the protesters at Notre Dame were racists. And that anyone who didn't want O-ba-ma to speak, weren't really pro life, they were anti-black.
(I work in a major Chicago university)
*shaking my head*
Does the fact that there are more racists now makes me any less racist?
Or do I still get the stigma of being a racist first? Just checking, before disappearing into the crowd
I was thinking that many of the Obots must be adopting the Book of Job as very relevant to them.
"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."
What's PUMA for "I told you so"?
Where's the link to DU?
you are All a bunch of pinheaded neer de wells.
The man has already taken the gargantuan fascist trend that people like you were OK with and blunted it. Give him another three months and you will see his strategy bringing forth fruit.
He is letting the public and the press do their job and masking his "true agenda", which is to shine the light on the cockroaches that have nearly destroyed this nation, robbed and pillaged it, ignored the common man, sent our loved ones to a miserable country to open the veins of the oil wells to the seven sisters, and made America the tail of the dog in only eight fucking fascist years.
Shut the fuck up, since you have nothing to offer that is creative. you are all bag(s) of shit.
I guess anon is a little upset that Obama is not as competent or wonderful as the press reports suggested he would be.
For instance weren't we supposed to see a bump in the economy the day he was sworn in, wasn't the president going to pore over budgets with his line item veto pen to eliminate pork, weren't lobbyist supposed to get kicked out of Washington, weren't the star chambers going to be shut down etc etc ad nauseum.
Yes we can! LOL....
Normally, I don't allow comments like Anon's to slip through the moderation process. But I thought that what he had to say -- and the way he phrased it -- was particularly amusing.
As I look around the progblogs, the good writers are starting to see reason. The ones who still blindly defend Obama tend to write like troglodytes.
Call them Trog-progs.
Whenever I go to Google News, the top one or two articles mention Obama in their headlines. He's got no power, he's irrelevant, what a waste of thought time...
Oh, for Chrissakes. He's the damn president of the United States. Of course he has power. On a whim, he could launch the nuclear annihilation of your country.
Gosh. I thought Anon's comment was snark.
If the Left weren't racist, they wouldn't care that Obama is black. Imagine the last election if you weren't allowed to tell what race or gender someone was.
I know there's sarcasm in what you say, yet the punchline is not.
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