Monday, May 25, 2009

Blogging about blogging

Well, who could resist this interview, which I first saw on Corrente?

All in all, Eric Boehlert seems fair and reasonable as he discusses the rise of the progressive blogosphere and the great left-against-left split that beset the 2008 primaries. A few points:

1. According to Boehlert, Hillary fans became enraged at the sexism displayed by the Obots. That's true, but only in part. In my view, the problem was not sexism but psychosis. The pro-O combat brigades displayed a sheer lunatic hatred -- a daily outbreak of mass insanity -- that many people found both frightening and repellent. Sexism was but one manifestation.

It was both shattering and life-changing to hear former compatriots scream "Racist!" at anyone who dared to suggest that someone other than Barack Obama might make a better president. The incessant Obot lies about Hillary and Bill -- the darkened video smear, the RFK smear, the South Carolina smear, and all the resurrected conservative smears of the 1990s (e.g."Vince Foster! Vince Foster! Vince Foster!") -- were not sexist. They were insufferable. The same can be said of the attacks on Paul Krugman and Joe Wilson, who committed the sin of preferring Another to Big Brother.

The fury directed at Huffpo scribe Maryhill Fowler (who first exposed the bitter-and-clinging scandal) had nothing to do with sexism. That was an outbreak of mass hysteria. When lefties suddenly launched into the Goody-Proctor-is-a-witch routine, the resultant spectacle was ugly and vile. The fact that Obama allowed and (I believe) encouraged this mob mentality told me much about Barack Obama.

2. Boehlert ignores the degree to which the left-wing blogosphere is a right-wing phenomenon. I consider this development fascinating. Moulitsas, Aravosis, and DAH-link Arianna are all libertarians at heart. Marshall may be as well; I've received contradictory reports. We cannot pin the "prog" label on Andrew Sullivan, but he was another prominent pro-O libertarian during 2008.

3. Boehlert (correctly) scores the right-wing blogs for becoming mired in extreme anti-Obama conspiracy theories. He says that those theories keep the righties from being taken seriously. But Huffpo, Kos and D.U. were overstuffed with similar displays of paranoia throughout 2008, and those sites thrived -- a point which Boehlert himself proves when he reminds us of the agent-baiting directed against poor Fowler. I would again bring up the "darkened video" smear, which was every bit as nutty as the birth certificate smear -- and for which Kos has (tellingly) never apologized.

I doubt that Boehlert's book mentions Cannonfire, which -- egads! -- is older than both Huffington Post and Air America, and which has made fairly significant contributions to some of the controversies he mentions. (The birth certificate nonsense provides one example.) Circa 2005, I had my shot at becoming, if not an A-lister, then a solid B. But achieving that goal would have required endless shmoozing, self-promotion, and (worst of all) self-censorship. It's no fun to have to please a boss, and the mob can be a kind of boss -- perhaps the most depressing kind.

It's much more fun to maintain an eccentric little blog that allows me forego politics for a day in order to express my disdain for Roy Lichtenstein or to confess my lifelong crush on St. Bernadette or to relate the latest adventures of my hell-hound. Most of us spend much of life working for someone else, and most of us are sick of it. We all need to cordon off one small corner of the world where we can be ourselves, answerable to none and apologizing for nothing. That's why I blog, and that's probably why so many others do it. Money? There ain't none. This is about the exhileration that comes from pursuing the thing-in-itself. This is about dancing naked in public and flipping the bird at anyone who doesn't like the view.


Tina Tequila said...

I don't know if Aravosis is a libertarian,but a hissy fitter....oh yeah. A name dropping,hysterical,the photo was darkened,shrill little whiner.

Anonymous said...

I think for the democratic proccess to ever recover from the 2008 crime how obama became a president should be documented and continously exposed. the fact that he won should be more reason to continue the struggle. Also for the Left to betray their own principles to defeat Clinton will always be a dark spot in its history they will never recover from.

IgorMarxo said...

Old Russian saying, You can tell same lie 1000 time(Ms. Pelosi) but not change truth.

Difference between USSR Communist media and USA "mainstream media"

In Russia government make media say what they want - even if lie.

In USA "mainstream media" try make government what they want - even if lie..

.....eventually they become same thing?!

I Igor produce Obmama birth certificate at

Rich said...

Well put defense of worker-control -- and the most likely kind in USA -- in print and alone.

Re: the screed of the Obamaistas -- hard to tell where the attack dog ground zero was located, but Kos clearly got marching orders from the mother ship. Defined and crafted by O's political team, stuffed with seasoned veterans of character assassination.

Cinie said...

For the record, it was the inexcusable manipulation of America's racial legacy that put me off Obama forever. To be sure, I was never "on" Obama, I found his 2004 convention speech uninspiring and waaaaay overhyped in a way it never would have been had he not been black. Frankly, I've found the whole "African goatherder/Kansas cornfed beauty made me uniquely American" Baracko Bama story insulting from the gate, and his blatant exploitation of racism sent me through the roof. The "I'll have to see him dance" line in the early debate in response to the "is Bill Clinton the first black president" question, marks the moment I began to hate him, though. "Black people will wake up and get it," Roland Martin's road map to South Carolin strategy piece, Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s "Hillary's tears" comment, the MLK/Johnson nonsense, and all the other examples of Obamaniacal manipulation were bad enough, but his pimping minstrelesque stereotypes and having it applauded was the very last straw. I saw very clearly that his behavior was not only irresponsible, it was potentially dangerous. It still is both.
Gender-wise, I thought, all things being equal, Hillary could have handled it Billie Jean King/Bobby Riggs-style; just keep kicking his ass til everybody shuts up. But, the constant threat of throwing a lit match on the racial powderkeg you keep pointing at with a Bic in your hand was the unforgivable, indefensible ploy that put him over the top, and like I said, made me hate him and all who enabled him and cheered him on.

Anonymous said...

excellent post, joseph. the obots need to be reminded over and over and over and over that there are people watching who will NOT forget what happened, are watching for repeats or escalation, learning how to turn the tables on them, and protect themselves in the process.

Gary McGowan said...

insufferable mass hysteria / mob mentality allowed and arguably encouraged by Obama [and, I hasten to mention, his not insignificant P.R. team.]

the degree to which the left-wing blogosphere is a right-wing phenomenon [they are products of the same corrupted culture.]

blogs mired in extreme conspiracy theories, displays of paranoia, smears [products of the same corrupted culture again.]

becoming an A-lister, or solid B, blog requires endless schmoozing, self-promotion, self-censorship, having to please the mob mentality [in common with becoming a politician or a number of other positions of relatively wide influence—with, thank God, rare notable exceptions… currently I’m admiring Naomi Klein.]

this is about the exhilaration that comes from pursuing “the thing in itself” [Yes! Beautiful. But the term in quotes, is to me much poisoned, and I suspect, subject to invoking a wide range of connotations or confusions among its readers. Well…if they bothered to think about it at all.]

Money. Oh, fuck money. Any left over after the basic needs like food and shelter are met is probably best given to help others.

Thanks for an enjoyable and edifying read, Joseph.

Joseph Cannon said...

Cinie, I think you are right about most everything. But the "dancing Clinton" crack didn't bother me. What bothered me was the question itself, which was inane and and which should not have been put to any candidate. It was an example of "clown culture," as Somerby might put it.

The remark clearly called for Obama -- not a natural wit -- to say something light and funny. He got a mild laugh. And that was that.

I think you are right: Hillary and her supporters could have handled the sexism easily, if Obama's forces had not been parsing every phoneme looking for some plausible, or implausible, motive for charging racism.

lori said...


Seeing the opposition as racist was an essential element of the narcissistic tautological paradigm in place - some of them still cling desparately to that notion. Enlightened voters support Obama, who is, therefore, an enlightened candidate. The proof of their enlightenment is that they support Obama. You certainly can't point to his history of accomplishment in lower office as a state senator, or his time in the US senate, or as a civil rights attorney, nor his positions as a candidate for the nomination and then presidency as proof of his enlightenment and interest in the process of progress. There is nothing there to suggest that he is anything other than an incredibly mediocre (on a good day) pol who doesn't seem to get much done. So a beguiled supporter is reduced to looking for evidence that the opponent is evil, when there is nothing positive to build on.

It's the same process that some fundie Christians engage in. They don't actually want to step outside their comfort zone and do the real work of humility, so, in order to feel superior, they cook up reasons why everyone else is inferior. That's what all that hammering about gays is about while simultaneously ignoring the bible-defying divorcees in their midst.

Character is destiny and Obama has none. He will, like his role model Reagan, collapse in a heap of corruption and reduce himself to a piece of trash - albeit groundbreaking trash - blowing through our nation's history.

Cinie said...

Joseph, we can agree about the inappropriateness of the question and disagree about the appropriateness of the answer. I think he should have pointed out that it was irrelevant and moved on. I can only imagine that had the question been posed to Clinton, or Edwards, and they had responded, "Well he sure likes fried chicken and watermelon!" or even, "Hey, he can boogey his butt off!" what the outcry would have been. Exploiting the stereotype of dancing ability equals black authenticity pisses me off.

Snowflake said...

Both side were reaching for dirt to throw but the Obama supporters were aiming below the belt-in more ways than one.

I still would like to see his birth certificate bye the way-not the certificate of live birth-the birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

Both sides WERE NOT looking for dirt to throw.

The HRC side wanted the best candidate to win but they had principles.

This blog is proof - Joseph debunked the COLB issue

Anne said...

It was social shock and awe
and the green light came from the highest places.

Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy said...

I'm reading Boehlert's book, which so far is mostly pretty good (I'm not surprised, based on his prior work).

I agree completely that sexism was just one dimension of the problems with the Obama campaign and support network. I'll be discussing that and other reactions to the book once I finish reading it.