Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The Zodiac killer has -- allegedly -- been named. The name is not Arthur Leigh Allen. I'm glad.

Gotta admit, I was pissed off when Deep Throat turned out to be Mark Felt. Felt was everyone's first suspect, which means that he was boring. By the same token, Allen-diddit Zodiac theories are about as exciting as off-white wall paint.

We're told that the Zodiac victims were targeted, which means that we have a conspiracy theory! At least, we have something beyond the usual dull serial killer stuff. I've always felt that victim Darlene Ferrin (the "Laura Palmer" of this tale) would provide the key to unraveling this mystery. My own favored theory attracted some attention back in 2005.

This NYT story claims that the killer was one Guy Ward Hendrickson, who was an early adopter of take-your-daughter-to-work-day. He is long dead, but the daughter claims to have victim Paul Stine's horn rim eyeglasses. (They don't match.) Alas, hers is a case of recovered memory. I'm reminded of that clown who "remembered" taking part in the fabled Philadelphia Experiment after he saw the movie. As for Zodiac: I still suspect Elron.

Added note: Here's my favorite response to the Guy Ward Hendrickson identification...
He has three names. Guilty!
Or maybe not. The "daughter" has changed her story.


Anonymous said...

this guy is more convincing....

Anonymous said...

I thought Al Haig was the first pick candidate to be Deep Throat?


Anonymous said...

I thought you were the Zodiac?

snowflake said...

I looked at that guys web site and read the various proofs which seem like coincidences to me more than anything.

I thought the way the stamps were put on the Zodiacs letters was odd.

Allen reportedly got others to lick stamps for him. If he did it to avoid detection, then he probably had the "licker" put the stamps on the letter.

So how did he present the letter to the person to stamp-blank? That would have been odd. He might however have presented a few letters, all on top of each other, with the edges stuck out. If he did this it could explain the odd way they were always stamped-vertically rather than horizontally.

Anonymous said...

Love those un-moderated comment threads from 2005.

RedDragon said...


If the "daughter" accompanied her "Zodiac Killer" dad on some of his kills, then couldn't she be held as an accomplice?

Just asking

Gary McGowan said...

This sounds to me like one of those shiny things that distracts us from matters that will deeply affect the lives of future generations.

("Hey, man, lighten up! Can'tya see we're BLOGGING here?")

katiebird said...

I don't even trust all my actual memories. I can't imagine what I'd do with a "recovered" memory.

New Orleans said...

This reminds me of Steve Hodel - the guy who swore his dad was the Black Dahlia killer. He milked his (lack of) evidence quite nicely despite every bit of evidence being debunked.

I'm sure the end result will be the same for this one.