Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Whither (wither?) the Obama cult?

Not long ago, a friend -- unenthralled by Obama, even though she likes him rather better than I do -- asked me why so many Americans chose (until recently) to see that man as a Messiah and not as a politician. I had no answer until tonight. While revisiting the works of Guy de Mauppassant, I came across this passage in Le Horla:
The populace -- an imbecile flock of sheep, now steadily patient, and now in ferocious revolt. Say to it: "Amuse yourself," and it amuses itself. Say to it: "Go and fight with your neighbor," and it goes and fights. Say to it: "Vote for the Emperor," and it votes for the Emperor, and then say to it: "Vote for the Republic," and it votes for the Republic.
In all likelihood, every person who has ever read those words has fancied himself an exception to de Maupassant's rule. But how many of us truly stand outside of (and opposed to) the mob?

In 1981, a visitor to any American bar could lose teeth by proclaiming that Iran -- run by the hated Khomeini -- was the innocent victim of Saddam Hussein's aggression. Although most Americans did not then know who Saddam was, instinct told them that the enemy of our enemy must be a friend. Then one day, George Bush the elder held up a photo of Iraq's thuggish leader and told the crowd: "Hate this man!" And the crowd responded with chants of Hate! Hate! Hate!

Here's the horrifying part: Each and every hater felt convinced that he had arrived at his view through the independent exercise of reason.

Similarly, each and every Obama cultist reacts with fury whenever someone suggests that he or she has, in fact, joined a cult. Yet a cult it was and is. The Obama internet cult is the most significant American political sect since McCarthyism, and it remains a potent force despite slowly thinning membership.

When William Black lambasted the O team's economic plan (as noted in this previous post), the Kos Krowd reflexively accused him of lying, of functioning as a Republican shill. Black defended himself, and was defended by others, in posts which you can find here and here. The reader commentary appended to one of those posts includes this particularly amusing passage, in which a writer takes umbrage at the term "Obamabot":
"Obamabots" really isn't cool and if you can't find a better one word descriptor use more frigging words instead of being so insulting. The "love diaries" can be skipped. We're talking here about policy issues.
This Kossack pictures himself an apostle of sweet reason, a policy wonk, a thinker capable of Vulcan objectivity. What self-delusion!

You want to talk about insults? Let's.

During the primaries, I endured daily -- sometimes hourly -- accusations of racism. Meanwhile, Hillary supporters (half of the Democratic party) were banned from the pages of Daily Kos by edict of the Head Cheeto himself. The Kossacks called Hillary a murderer, a serial liar, a Republican, a conservative, a thief, a cunt, a racist, a panderer. The Cheeto cheeleaders turned most left-wing sites into gehennas.

And now they act affronted at the term "Obamabot"? Sorry, but I have yet to hear any apologies for their disgusting antics throughout 2008. So fuck 'em. I'll use whatever terminology I please to define the smug puerile pubescent pricks who appropriated the party I once called home, and whatever onomastic low I stoop to won't be low enough.

myiq2xu, a frequent commenter in these pages, wrote an excellent piece on the lingering rage of the O cultists. Apparently, they stalk him with the unnerving persistence of my own hate brigade:
There are currently four or five blogs that exist solely to “oppose” PUMA. I’m not sure what the relationship is between them but they’re obviously connected and it’s basically the same small group of people that post and comment at all of these blogs. I think most of them were originally just frustrated Obot trolls that started their own blogs because our moderators deleted their comments and banned them from here. They not only brag about evading the spam filter and posting troll comments here and at PUMApac, but they also write their posts and comments over there using the basic troll vocabulary.

The posts and comments that they publish indicate that their primary online activity is obsessing about us. They lurk and follow our comment threads, then go back to their blogs to discuss what we say. On a couple of occasions they were literally liveblogging our discussion threads.

Think about this for a minute - these people are strangers to us. They have no real life connection with us, past or present. They aren’t our former employees or jilted lovers, we didn’t give them a bad grade in Econ class, run over their dog or drink their last beer.

They have no monetary claims against us, nor do we have any moral or legal obligation to them that is unpaid. The election is over, and depite our efforts their candidate won. Barring scandal or tragedy he will be POTUS for at least four years and nothing we PUMAs do will change that. But the blogstalkers remain obsessed with us anyway.
They aren’t going to change our opinion of Barack Obama - he alone can do that with his actions. Getting angry at the kid who says the Emperor is butt naked won’t affect the obvious nudity everyone can see with their own eyes.
These sentiments mirror my words of one year ago:
I've received a truly bizarre barrage of anonymous hate comments, and not from my usual opponents. This hate-mail has had no hint of the conciliatory.

These "drive by" comments appear every hour. They never make a detailed argument, and they never make much sense. Judging from the writing style, only two or three individuals are involved. Some of these messages make threats. I've learned to delete these comments (mostly) unread; a whiff is enough to know what the rest is like.

The sheer ceaselessness of the barrage surprises me. I can't help suspecting that money has changed hands.
I think the increasingly inescapable fact of the Emperor's nudity is precisely why the anti-PUMA obsessives have gone nuttier than a box of Goo-Goo Clusters.

Whither the Obama cult? As with the previous Bush cult, soterological propaganda cannot trump the evidence of an incompetent "Messiah." That evidence mounts every day. Soon it will become impossible to rationalize away. What then?

Perhaps the cultists will retreat into de Maupassant's cynicism. Let us complete our quote from The Horla, for these words may offer some insight into our current Lightbringer:
Those who direct it [the populace] are also stupid; but instead of obeying men, they obey principles, which can only be stupid, sterile and false, for the very reason that they are principles, that is to say, ideas which are considered as certain and unchangeable, in this world where one is certain of nothing, since light is an illusion and noise is an illusion.
Today, those "certain and unchangeable" principles include a worship of Wall Street, an abhorrence of nationalization, and a refusal to make financial miscreants take responsibility. The Lightbringer's light is indeed an illusion, as is the noise emitted by his votaries.


Anonymous said...

The cult is fraying around the edges. The prior retorts to any dissent were condescension and cruelty. Pushback is starting because the One is so blatantly doing the opposite of his speechifying crap. The apparatchiks are hysterical because even the thickest and/or most naive can see that O's posse are a bunch of crooks. They are starting to go through the Five Stages of Grief and the best place to see it has been on the Orange thing in the diaries on William Black of the past few days. It is a thing of beauty and a wonder to behold. You can see little light bulbs going off and the same old bullies shouting, changing the subject, and lying.

Perry Logan said...

It didn't take long for the progressives to blow their shot, did it?

They were scared sh*tless Hillary would get the nomination, in the mistaken belief she was the corporate candidate. So they went down and dirty, and they cheated.

When we tried to warn them, they smeared us and our families and our friends. They even dusted off hoary right-wing smears from the 90s, the little sweeties...

So it appears the final blow to our nation will be dealt by neocons the progressives helped to put in. This is not an irony I feel prepared to enjoy.

If you factor in Republican election fraud, it becomes a virtual certainty we will have a Republican back in the White House in 2012. I'm betting on Jeb Bush.

Aeryl said...

Related: Check out this post from Damon over at Corrente about the behavorial modifcation techniques openly employed by the Obama campaign, and the worshipful tone of the Time article it is drawn from.

Anonymous said...

Today one of the blogstalkers has post up claiming I "failed to rebut allegations of hypocrisy"

It's kind of hard to admit and rebut at the same time.

In other news, someone asked me if I was really Joseph Cannon. I said I wasn't you, and that you weren't me.

He also asked me if I could explain why Cannonfire is the only link I put on my blogroll at Klownhaus.

I told him I could explain but I wasn't going to. I've explained myself enough. If he has questions about you he should ask you.

The longer I blog, the surlier I get.

I consider it a fringe benefit.

Susan said...

It's a cult.
The bots behavior is cultish.
They are cultists.

"So fuck 'em. I'll use whatever terminology I please to define the smug puerile pubescent pricks who appropriated the party I once called home, and whatever onomastic low I stoop to won't be low enough."

Well said! I still have a few friends that get really mad when I use that term on them. I think the next time I hear a complaint from them I shall say,

Fuck YOU. I'll use whatever terminology I please to define YOU smug puerile pubescent prick who appropriated the party I once called home!

Anonymous said...

excellent post, joseph. I recently heard the "lightbringer" description from a person I otherwise respect and honestly can't figure out how someone can reconcile "lightbringer" with "chicago thug". what neuron or synapse is missing or snapped here? I appreciate you and myiq for your honesty, guts and intelligence.

Nibbles said...

If I am the friend to which this post refers--I never said I liked him. Just that I don't think his presidency is the worst thing ever anymore.

gary said...

Onomastic. I had to look that one up.

So far I think Obama is better than Bush, and better than McCain would have been, a low standard I admit. Should Obama nationalize the banks? I don't know, but once you "nationalize" something, how do you "un-nationalize" it?

Did you,perhaps ever so briefly, think that Obama might be a Messiah? That would explain a lot.

As for the Pumas, I don't read any Puma or anti-Puma blogs, other than yours if it qualifies. I certainly would not hesitate to criticize Obama, particularly on the recent court filings on "state secrets privilege" and wiretaps. So two cheers for Obama, not three.

As for the Obama "cult", I still find it dificult to take your comments seriously. Sorry. People were inspired by Obama, many still are, some are more critical.

Who is this "nibbles" person? Let's have more of nibbles.

Joseph Cannon said...

Gary, if you don't see the Obama cult AS a cult, then YOU are the one who cannot acknowledge plain fact.

As for nationalization: The banks were temporarily nationalized in the Netherlands in the 1980s. The FDIC places smaller insolvent banks into receivership (which comes to much the same thing) all the time.

Anonymous said...

"nuttier than a box of Goo-Goo Clusters"


Anonymous said...

Regarding nationalization of banks, here's what William Black had to say:

WILLIAM K. BLACK: Well, certainly in the financial sphere, I am. I think, first, the policies are substantively bad. Second, I think they completely lack integrity. Third, they violate the rule of law. This is being done just like Secretary Paulson did it. In violation of the law. We adopted a law after the Savings and Loan crisis, called the Prompt Corrective Action Law. And it requires them to close these institutions. And they're refusing to obey the law.

BILL MOYERS: In other words, they could have closed these banks without nationalizing them?

WILLIAM K. BLACK: Well, you do a receivership. No one -- Ronald Reagan did receiverships. Nobody called it nationalization.

BILL MOYERS: And that's a law?

WILLIAM K. BLACK: That's the law.

BILL MOYERS: So, Paulson could have done this? Geithner could do this?

WILLIAM K. BLACK: Not could. Was mandated--

Anonymous said...

tis a cult, otherwise they would not resort to these brainwashing techniques.

"The existence of this behavioral dream team — which also included best-selling authors Dan Ariely of MIT (Predictably Irrational) and Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein of the University of Chicago (Nudge) as well as Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman of Princeton — has never been publicly disclosed, even though its members gave Obama white papers on messaging, fundraising and rumor control as well as voter mobilization. All their proposals — among them the famous online fundraising lotteries that gave small donors a chance to win face time with Obama — came with footnotes to peer-reviewed academic research. "It was amazing to have these bullet points telling us what to do and the science behind it," Moffo tells TIME. "These guys really know what makes people tick."

President Obama is still relying on behavioral science. But now his Administration is using it to try to transform the country. Because when you know what makes people tick, it's a lot easier to help them change."

Hoarseface said...

In a general way, it all makes sense.

The more people hated Bush, the more they despaired over the damage being done, the more they yearned for a messianic figure, especially when the damage begins to seem overwhelming, insurmountable.

Obama's blank-slate of a background enabled people who sought a messiah to project their desires onto him. A known quantity like Hillary wouldn't offer people the opportunity for that projection. I think Bush offered Christian Evangelicals something similar, particularly after 9/11. I'd say, Jr could be Messiah-ized in a way Bush Sr. never could, because after all, what kind of Messiah spends 8 years in the VICE Presidency? A meteoric rise should be expected from any decent messiah.

And of course, the greater the emotional investment in such a figure, the harder it is to break free. Impossible to rationalize away? I doubt it. The fact that Cheney doesn't have a 0% approval rating should make it clear that people can rationalize damn near anything.

I think you'll have plenty of time to enjoy your favorite form of humor. Then again, as time goes by and Obama becomes a known quantity, people may tend to forget their own deification of him.

Zee said...

Friggin' awesome post, Joseph...despite the extraneous and unnecessary kudos for the clown who gets justified critique from far more than Obots.

omg...will the Obots finally melt down when Obama continues the Bush program of wiretapping, complete with the Bush justification?

If so, we can rub their noses in the crap and say what part of his vote PRE-ELECTION that you had problems comprehending?

Spit in their crying faces, I say.

Nibbles McGee said...

To clarify my last comment--I never thought Obama was a Messiah.

I do think, now, post-election and post-Obama's crash in popularity, that his abandoned flock is going to wake up, turn, and think twice before voting for superficiality, inexperience and abusiveness again.

Yes, I know the downside is that the flock may turn right instead of left as a result, and the younger, more impressionable members, may turn away from participating altogether (again).

But I'm still kinda glad he's in there. The long term benefit of an Obama Administration, travesty though it may be, could outweigh the short term pain.

Zee said...

Additionally, I add, why worry what a freak LaRouchie CULTIST recognizes as a cult or not, Joseph?

I mean, I suppose it's to allow a LaRouchie (gag) to post here at all, but get real. Why engage him in any conversation? Except maybe to laugh in his cult Larouchie face that he even discusses whether Obamabots are a cult.

Joesph. The FREAK LaRouchies came up with some lunatic conspiracy linking Cheney and Gore. Need anyone say any more?