Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We need a Pelosi pile-up

The health care fight is far from over. Heck, it has just begun. I urge you to read Cinie today -- after which, please visit
Seems President Arugula Barry Waffles’ brain, Speaker of the House, Nasty Pancakes, is whining about the overwhelming number of faxes she’s received in support of putting the option of single payer health care on the table. After’s email campaign reportedly flooded Nasty P.’s office, her suckophants tried to sound the all-clear. Don’t let ‘m off the hook. They’re the ones who issued the Dirty Harry-esque, ” you feelin’ lucky, punk, make my day” challenge, daring the 59% of us in favor of true health care reform to “make them” put the option on the table, so, I say let’s come back at them with our own Die Hard-style, “yippee ki-yay, motherf*ckers,” response. Fax, email, call, and/or write all of ‘em.
Now it’s time to kick it up a notch. Contact everybody you can think of, your Congresspeople, Senators, the White House, the DNC, the RNC, anybody, everybody. Whether they’re likely to support the proposal or not, they need to know that there’s real grassroots support for it. PUMA Pac has provided links to media outlets and a form letter, too, even though I think “give us real health care reform, you poopy-headed doofuses,” works just fine.
This is one time I don’t care who’s behind what, what their motives are or who’s paying who on the downlow. Everybody needs to hear what you want, every day, all day, until they do something about it, or Nancy Pelosi cries.
I'll repeat my suggestion that you should also contact the Obamaphiles who run the major prog-blogs. Yes, I know that they insulted us incessantly, calling us "Republicans in disguise" and worse sobriquets. Let's shame them. Let's demonstrate that they are the ones closest to the GOP on this issue. So far, this Kos diary is the only responsible one I've seen from Cheetoland, and it garnered all of 14 responses. I've seen nothing at D.U., nothing on TPM...

By the way, this follow-up on prints a doctor's suggestion that single-payer advocates forego mass-fax campaigns in favor of a more directed approach:
Communications to members of Congress FROM THEIR CONSTITUENTS which are factual, respectful, and SIGNED are taken seriously on Capitol Hill. Other forms of communication are counterproductive. Our opponents are well-funded and their communications are likely to be well-organized and slick. Let's not imitate the loonies on the right...
This doctor is correct, to a degree. Usually, a single hard copy letter from a constituent -- kept to one shortish paragraph -- will get more attention than will an entire fax or email campaign. But in this case, it is important to demonstrate "street heat." I do not consider this particular fax campaign to be either counterproductive or tasteless.

So if you want to make the biggest impact, go here, fill in your zip code, and find out how to contact your representative. I've had good luck contacting by telephone; if you don't want to interact with a staffer, call during the wee small hours and leave a message.

But you should also keep sending those faxes.


New Orleans said...

The best way to get Markos, JMM, Aravosis, and the rest of their band of Merry Fruitcakes to start calling in support of the single payer option is to get them really riled up.

Tell them Sarah Palin DOESN'T want them to call - they'll then call until they turn blue.

Anonymous said...

Better yet, N.O., tell them
Hillary doesn't want it. That way, they'll not only go all-out for it, but probably even pay for it out of their own pockets. :)

Sergei Rostov

Zee said...

Count me in on these excellent suggestions on shaming the Obots. Code Pink just sent around a mass email whining about how Zerobama is spending more on the War on Terra than Bush.

You own him, Losers!

Gary McGowan said...

Americans now live too long, and in the present world economic crisis, vast resources must be transferred out of health care — and into bail-outs for financier swindlers.

You do know about the Federal Coordinating Council for "Comparative Effectiveness Research," right? I'm sure it's been widely publicized in all our excellent journals of the day.

"Comparative Effectiveness" is a cognate with earlier terms such as "evidence-based" and "outcome-based" medical criteria. Your government is to make up a list of supposedly cost-effective procedures, and all physicians, public or private, are to be prohibited or blocked from providing treatments not on the list. We've heard about that generally.

The Council, announced way, way, back on March 19, includes Ezekiel Emanuel (brother of Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel) and 14 other experts in health care austerity. Peter Orszag, Obama's budget director, and Lawrence Summers, chief economics handler, pushed through a $1.1 billion package hidden in the Stimulus Bill aimed at enforcing drastic, deadly cutbacks in health care. Cute, eh?

Meanwhile we broke Pelosi's fax machine. Hurray, hurray.

Why the fuck did Peter Orszag, then director of the Congressional Budget Office, meet in London last June with the Strategy Unit of Gordon Brown, and deliver a report, "Capturing the Opportunity in the Core Fiscal Challenge Facing the United States," ..."behavioral economists" would reverse "excess cost growth" in health care for the elderly and the poor? Why?

Oh, I know. In the early 1990s, Richard Layard (now Lord Layard) founder of the Fabian Society's Centre for Economic Performance, picked Peter Orszag, then a grad student in the United Kingdom, to go to Russia Layard's assistant in the looting and brutal austerity inflicted on Russia after their economic collapse. Lord Layard is the expert on the rape and looting of health care, and other FDR-like social programs.

Laurence Summers is in many ways our new Dick Cheney. until he's out, we are marching to oblivion.