Friday, April 03, 2009

This year's hijinx...

...disappointed me. At least, I'm disappointed by the reaction. I expected conspiracy buffs everywhere to link to that post. Jeez, I gave 'em everything they usually like... Secret messages in popular culture! Weird 9/11 stuff! Occult secret societies! MK-ULTRA! Spies!

Time was, any post with those ingredients would be sure to attract the attention of Alex Jones and the rest of his crew. I mean, I thought this one was a lock. But did Alex link to my important exclusive?

Not this year. Right now, the '06 post is getting more attention, thanks to a mention by Mike Malloy, of progressive radio fame. Proof, once again, that the left is now just as wacky as the right.


Perry Logan said...

Your article was awesome. But it falls behind the "conspiracy fashion curve."

The conspiracy folks have all turned into economists and are busily explaining how the bankers secretly planned their own failure. They don't have time for the cloak and dagger stuff anymore.

Alex Jones is now an expert economist In fact, he predicted the whole economic meltdown. Alex now refers to his audience as "lay people."

Joseph Cannon said...

Well, Perry, at least THESE good Christians still understand the importance of THE TRUTH:

Anonymous said...

It was a little over the top-even for you.

When I first read I did wonder if you might be a paranoid schizophrenic-but given that it was April 1...