Monday, March 23, 2009

Take note, Timmy

How much time elapsed between "Brownie, you're doing a heck of job" and "Brownie, you're fired"? Not much.

And as long as we're checking our watches, let's see how much time passes before a Kos commenter writes: "Obama's a fraud? OMG! Get this to Keith!"


Anonymous said...

O.B.A.M.A. = One.Big.Ass.Mistake.America

Anonymous said...

Female Genital Mutilation on British Turf
By Jamie Glazov | Friday, March 20, 2009

Latest reports indicate that approximately 500 girls a year have their genitals mutilated in Britain.
It may come as no surprise to the knowledgeable political and cultural observer that the poor victims of these crimes are not from Christian or Jewish families, nor from Hindu or Buddhist ones. They are to be found predominantly in Muslim households. And being Muslim is a status that gives the victims, and all future victims, the unfortunate distinction of being part of a group that society can’t help, because the lib-Left has made sure that the Muslim culture can never be criticized and, therefore, that its sufferers can never be protected or saved.
Fact: female circumcision is illegal in Britain. But this doesn't mean that British law enforcement is doing anything about this crime that Muslim communities are perpetrating against their little girls.
The reality: five hundred girls’ genitals are mutilated every year in Britain. Not one arrest. Not one incarceration.
You think protecting little girls’ genitals is more important nowadays than protecting oneself from the charge of being Islamophobic? Think again.

wonder what bo thinks of this ??

Anonymous said...

swanspirit, your comment was off topic, but as long as you've brought the subject up, I will say that I think British law enforcement will never do anything about it now that Sharia is the law of the land there. It will be considered "a family matter", and since it involves Muslim families, sharia law will apply, not civil law. Muslim women in the U.K. have no rights.

Anonymous said...

What's that Girl? Timmy's fallen into the Well?

Obama's words worry Terrific Job!

so he's Timmy Terrific!!

Anonymous said...

What difference will it make if Timmy's job gets outsourced? Obama will just appoint another incompetent hack to replace him.

Anonymous said...

Blecch, I feel dirty just reading the words "Front Page magazine." What's next, an Ode to Michelle Malkin? Time for a long hot shower.

Returning to the actual topic of the post, I think it's clear that Timmy, like Obama, is doing just the job he was hired to do. From the perspective of their employers/puppetmasters on Wall Street, both are indeed doing an excellent job.