Thursday, March 12, 2009

Print money

Uncle Sam should print a lot more money and give it to the unemployed. That's the message I take away from these important (and still relevant) remarks by Ben Bernanke back in 2002. And that was my point back in early December. We should embrace inflation -- a certain measure of it -- following the successful example of the Netherlands in the 1980s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't remember when you got taken off the roll. It was a little while ago though, and I can't remember why. Wasn't there a strong exchange of opinions over some topic or something you said last summer, or maybe it was in the fall, with one of the writers at The Confluence? I think they even wrote a piece about the issue they had at the time over at The Confluence. I don't know if they have an archives so you could check if interested.

But you are in good company. The Liberal Rapture blog just got removed from the blog roll too about two weeks ago when a guest writer wrote a piece that said that PUMA was becoming more of a battered woman's group than a group that was interested in creating a more honest primary in the Democratic Party. Again, a lot of writers from The Confluence wrote in the comments section their strong disagreement with that position.

So much for the free exchange of ideas and free speech.

I like The Confluence too. They have good writers and lots of very thoughtful and informative posts.