Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Movie physics

Okay, so I'm half-watching The Ring on TV. Naomi Watts gets pushed into a well and falls, what, maybe 70 feet. At the bottom, she hits about three feet of water. And yet she's all right. Not a bone broken. Apparently, three feet of water was enough to break her fall.

You know, at one time I would have thought that a thing like that might hurt someone.


Anonymous said...

It's an outrage! To goof on something so simple when the rest of the movie is perfectly realistic. :)

Bob Harrison said...

If you see people crawling out of your tv, then I suspect a little 70 foot fall would be a piece of cake.

Anonymous said...

Was she flapping her arms on the way down?

That always helps Wile E. Coyote

Bob said...

Well, to enjoy the movie, you must suspend belief. So why not accept the idea that actors can suspend gravity?

Perry Logan said...

It's like when the Wicked Witch melts at the end of The Wizard of Oz. What up wi that? Ruined the whole movie.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she was the best thing in it.

It just occurred to me that M.Night Shamalyan stole that plot device for "Signs" -- in that movie, the evil aliens were also destroyed by ordinary tap water. Of course it takes sixteen hours (OK, two, but it felt like sixteen) and the destruction of most of the planet before the geniuses figure it out...(oh did I spoil "Signs" for you? Trust me, I did you a favor. Anything you do with your time would be better spent.)

Me, I'm looking forward to the remake of Last House on the Left, although it would be dang hard to top the original (the Sam Raimi OR the Ingrid Bergmann. And yes I do say them both in the same breath, so sue me.)

Anonymous said...

I know, Wes Craven, not Sam Raimi. I get them confusculated sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Just the other day a toddler fell some 30 feet at Discovery Place, nothing broke her fall from the third story down to the floor, yet she was only bruised, nothing broken. It's only about half the distance, much less than half the same mass, but more than twice as real.


Erick L. said...

I wouldn't mind seeing Ingrid Bergman in "Last House on the Left", but I'd really love it if they discovered that Igmar Bergman had directed a version of "Casablanca". That would be so cool!

As for long distance falls, nothing can beat the kid in Truffaut's "Small Change".

Joseph Cannon said...

I've seen only a bit of "Last House" and I've no desire to see more. "The Virgin Spring" is not my favorite Bergman film, although I'd like to see it again.

I liked "Signs." Kill me.