Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mini-Madoff in South Florida

Our old friend Daniel Hopsicker is back in action. He profiles the new owner of the mysterious Huffman Aviation, the flight school which played such a strange role in the tale of Mohammed Atta and the 9/11 attacks.

The most recent owner is a 76 year old man named Arthur G. Nadel, who is accused of bilking small-scale investors with a large-scale Ponzi scheme. The size and scope of this scheme was dwarfed by the one run by Bernie Madoff, but to those who lost their life's savings, the impact was dire enough.

Two key questions:

1. How did Nadel get into a position where he could pull off this sort of racket?

2. What happened to the money?
For most of his life, Art Nadel was a "jazz pianist," meaning he played the piano in hotel lounges, not seen as a springboard to careers of looting at will.

Take a closer look at the Learjet he was flying before his arrest. Does that look like the ride of a piano player?
The third question: Why did Nadel, former keyboard tickler, suddenly become obsessed with the idea of running an aviation concern in South Florida?

The ultimate question: Was Nadel operating on his own behalf, or was he fronting for some other entity? Private investigator Bill Warner notes:
Art Nadel currently was living in a $250,000 four-bedroom home in Sarasota and driving a late model Subaru SUV, hardly the high life.
Nadel also owns, or owned, 453 acres in North Carolina, where he hung out during his brief period on the lam. I'd like to know more about that. Why would a septuagenarian jazz pianist and Ponzi schemer with an airline want to own so much land in such an out-of-the-way place?

(Bart: Dealing drugs? Lisa: Drugs? Marge: I'll have to say drugs, too.)

Update: The North Carolina property was the Laurel Mountain Preserve, which has a website here. The plan, it seems, was simple real estate development. We know that the plan cannot have involved drugs or any other unsavory activities because the front page of the site includes an endorsement from a prominent Christian businessman named David Welday III.)

The Nadel story reminds me of Sir Allen Stanford, the other famed Ponzi schemer. (Remember him? He's the "Hank Hill" guy with "Frazier Crane" pretensions.) He too became obsessed with running an airline -- two airlines, in fact; one of them was located in South Florida. He is also suspected of involvement drug-running and the CIA. The American authorities allowed him to set up Caribbean Sun Airlines in Ft. Lauderdale even though he has been linked to drug lords for the past twenty years.

And then of course we have the Ponzi scheme run by one Nicholas Cosmo, head of the brilliantly-named New York finance firm Agape World.

That's an awful lot of Ponzi action to hit all at once. It's almost as if the whole thing were coordinated, n'est-ce pas?


Anonymous said...

Aside from the unfathomable drug-smuggling monies and laundering, how about all the traders and bundlers doing coke every half hour all these decades, you know, desktop supercomputers with proprietary software, and hands-free headsets, you know, and Blackberrys while they're laundering Ben Franklins into a dancer's scanties?

Anonymous said...

Ponzi Mania?

Anonymous said...

Good article Joe. Daniel Hopsicker's website has been doing a great job surfacing interesting facts which also include Clyde O'Connor, my ex-sister-in-law's brother. If anyone remembers, the family I was in for more than 26 years is directly involved in high volume drug smuggling using their own planes and laundering criminal money into property using high level administrators in big Banks.

I'm going to ADD a few things to what Hopsicker said to help things along. This also includes what Hersh has been talking about as well.

The LARGEST Mid-West Cocaine Drug Lord is Louis Cichon, Mchenry, IL, age 88. He sits above my ex-wifes family on the TON's of drug smuggling list. The two males in my ex-wife's family call him a "Big Prick". Seems their relationship is a wee bit colorful. There is another large family further West of me who are considered larger than Cichon. I'll post their name here another time.

Remember that in the 90's I was told all about 911 only then they were looking at three locations with the New York Twin Towers being one of them. But I also said many times that the proceeds of the drug sales were being used to FUND "Black-Op's" in SUPPORT of another White House Coup. Emptywheel has a great article: Cheney’s Assassination Squads and Iran-Contra and Findings
This article talks about how funds were acquired that side stepped their need to niotify Congress and other about their Operations. Remember I know from the family that the higest levels of our Federal Governement are involved in the Drug system and Coup. The family said that the Clintons, Bush family and Obama are involved.
I also mentionded only a few times about using Hospitals to eliminate threatening people and that Chicago had back in the 90's three Hospitals being used for this purpose. It's conceivable that Cheney's Squads may have been beind this.
I added that this Coup is similar as the one tried in 1933 as it includes the same groups. However, today's attempt is the result of decades of planning and making all those little changes needed under our radar to allow success. But something tells me that success is going to end up as a failure. Also, remember that I've mentioned many times that the Big Banks are directly involved in this Coup as well as instrumental in planning the collapse of our economy per the family in the 90's.

There are a number of interesting side involvements in different businesses. I know certain family members have links with a Soccer League that include a number of other individuals who may also be as colorful as the family. The more I look into this, the wider and larger this grows.

Allen Stanford and many of the others mentioned in Hopsicker's and your article should be considered "friends" of my ex-wife's family. Keep in mind that the O'Connor family when I knew them were strict Catholics, a large family who went to church regularly and after Clyde and my ex-brother-in-law showed them the way, many of them seemed to get involved someway in this mess as well. How I know is because the family was taught how to protect themselves from Public outrage. They were instructed to start Funds, Trust or something that was used to give back to those who are in need. When I search around for my ex-wife's family with Trusts and Funds, both the O'Connor family and my ex-wife's family pop up next to each other. Fancy that!

But what's most interesting is the direct link that includes Obama. Back in the 90's Obama according to the family was instrumental with assisting the family with setting up their new Drug Smuggling Air Shipping Distribution business in Florida. This I know to be true.

But another interesting note is during a recent phone conversation with Dr Orly Taitz, Her website is and more can be found on Her recent research on Obama surfaced more than 130 properties in a mix of different names with using Obama and SSN's. It's her opinion that these properties may well belong to Obama. Remember I said the criminal money goes into property.

Don't take lightly what so ever the results of the different investigations done by Hopsicker and others. Their work surfaces the detail and it isn't easy to accept but I know this to be entirely true.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

Anonymous said...

In the words of the CFTC's Chilton, which is apparently investigating hundreds of apparent Ponzis, its "rampant ponzimonium".

Beat that!


Anonymous said...

Ponzillions of scams?

Anonymous said...

This isn't a message that needs to be posted. It's an FYI-the Bush radio waves post has a load of spam comments posted.

Anonymous said...

Regarding my earlier post of an intent to list another huge Drug Lord known within the family:
Pinder family in Florida. This group is considered larger and dealt with Cocaine and Pot in the drug business than the Cichon family in Mchenry, IL who is known mainly for cocaine.

There's always more considering I have more than 26 years involved with this family....but maybe for another time....

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL