Sunday, February 08, 2009

Of piracy, lunacy and paranoia

Our theme, this weekend, has been hoaxing.

A reader has directed my attention to a bittorrent site (I won't link to it, for obvious reasons) offering a download of the 1977 four-part miniseries Jesus of Nazareth, directed by Franco Zefferelli and written (honest to Bog) by Anthony Burgess. I always considered that miniseries rather good. The hoax comes in the form of the torrent's title, which advertises the film as BANNED BY FREEMASONS, THE NWO AND OBAMA.

Of course, the bloody thing has been banned by exactly no-one. The four films show up on television regularly, and will probably attain their customary ubiquity this Easter. You can purchase the miniseries or you can rent it. Or you can leave it alone. Your choice.

Freemasons and Obama would have no desire to ban the thing even if they had the power to do so, which they don't. As for the dreaded NWO -- it's a myth. (If you are the sort of conspiracy theorist who is now lusting to prove me wrong on that point by blathering on about some stupid speech that Poppy Bush once gave, I shall track you down and use a large hammer to smash your tiny brains, even if I must use a microscope to locate them.)

Granted, that hucksterish hype about the show's "banning" is merely silly. But the implications gnaw at me.

Obviously, the intended audience for this torrent are fundamentalist Christians who don't mind stealing videos instead of trotting down to Blockbuster. Apparently, the members of that audience really are so fucking paranoid -- and so fucking stupid -- as to believe that those horrible freemasons would ban, could ban, and have already banned a beloved and utterly harmless miniseries, in spite of the First Amendment.

Is such spectacular idiocy even possible? Are these credulous dolts actually allowed to reproduce? And to vote? When such people take IQ tests, are the testers forced to issue scores with negative integers? How can someone so dunderheaded even know how to use bittorrent?

Sometimes I think that this country deserves to fall.


Perry Logan said...

Logan's Law: the dumber the conspiracy guy, the smarter he thinks he is.

Anonymous said...

OT but in the spirit of this "can-they-be-that-stupid" post, there is this from Axelrove about the stimulus bill:

"In a matter of weeks, we moved through both houses of Congress a very complex piece of legislation," Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said Saturday in an interview. "I don't know if there is a parallel in history."

I'm sure many Obots will start echoing this absurdity.

old dem

Anonymous said...

"Zombie Banks", now that sounds like a myth! Alas for all of us...
