Friday, February 13, 2009

It seems that I am a "stalker"

Davey Sirota, whose amusing meltdown was noted in all of three previous posts (only one of which was sizable), now classifies me as a "hate stalker."

He links to a post detailing his deceptive writings on Obama's equally-deceptive NAFTA stance. Other bloggers would be grateful for the link. I am not -- for reasons which we will discuss at the end.

Alas, Davey doesn't see fit to engage my argument about Obama's NAFTA fraud. How can he? He has no argument: The facts are beyond dispute. In his campaign literature and in his speeches, Obama lied about his NAFTA stance in order to win key states -- and then he gave back-channel assurances to the Canadians, to whom he revealed his true feelings.

That post also takes Sirota to task for repeating the canard that, in 2008, racism posed an electoral challenge equal to or greater than sexism. Davey cited no poll numbers to prove his assertion; the afore-linked post cited hard evidence to prove the opposite.

Davey -- who psychotically thinks that Obama's main challenge is combating "Clintonism" -- has expectorated many, many more words attacking the Clinton wing of the Democratic party than I have written, or ever will write, about David Sirota. As mentioned earlier, all of three posts mention his name. The first one was long-ish. The second one amounted to no more than a brief mention. The third was also short, although I could not resist including a cartoon, which seemed to make the readers giggle. Nothing wrong with a good giggle.

That's stalking?

Dave, if you are reading this, let me assure you: You have no idea what stalking is.

Let's talk about stalking. Those who took an anti-Obama stance during 2008 know all about it. They learned, on a daily basis, what it feels like to be on the receiving end of true, visceral, seething, screeching, non-stop fanatical cyber-hate.

As long-time readers know: In 2008, I grudgingly voted for Obama in the California primary. Shortly thereafter, the obnoxious behavior of the Obots -- coupled with their outlandish attacks on the Clintons -- caused me to take a closer look at the candidate's shifting stances. I also started paying attention to his shady associations, not to mention his empty resume.

It is a fact that he accomplished nothing as a so-called "community organizer," or as a state senator, or as a Senator -- unless you count ruthless self-promotion as an accomplishment.

It is also a fact that nearly every time Blagojevich got a pay-off, Obama would get a smaller one. This blog has been making that latter point (and linking to the evidence) long before Blago became a national punch line.

Because I dared to write such heterodoxy -- because I dared to suggest that a black politician might be as duplicitous as any white politician -- arrogant "progressives" routinely hurled accusations of racism and even Nazism. Their whole-body hate-gasms made the Freepers and the dittoheads seem like blissed-out flower children.

We're not talking about once-a-day attacks. We're talking about once an hour. At times, they came every few minutes.

These attacks were, for the most part, pure abuse; few comments engaged the specifics of any given argument. I received five or six rather serious-sounding death threats, and discussed two or three of them online. (Contacting the authorities proved irritating and fruitless.)

I began to check the IP numbers of these hourly attack messages. Quite a few of them originated from a certain computer in Chicago. Those messages -- "drive-bys," some would call them -- seemed to come from folks who had no previous knowledge of or interest in my writings.

Every so often, someone using that same IP number would try to palm off a hoax. For example, one anti-Hillary letter allegedly came from the mother of a soldier in Iraq. I didn't publish it, but other bloggers did. It was proven to be a fake.

Again: Much of this nonsense originated from the same address in Chicago.

Who was at the other end of that IP address? A normal person who dislikes a blog would simply go elsewhere. A normal person would not launch attacks hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month.

Obviously, this incessant barrage was not the work of a normal person.

Was it the work of a group of people attached to the Obama campaign -- which just happened to be headquartered in Chicago? Is it possible that their (paid?) task was to bully opponents, and to flood all of blogland with the propaganda line of the day? Were they trying to spread disinformation about Hillary? Were they using accusations of racism to cudgel Obama's opponents into submission?

Gee. Gosh. Do ya think...?

Let's not be naive. Of course blogs like mine were on the receiving end of an organized attack by the Obama campaign. Those thugs do politics Chicago-style -- always have, always will. Once I figured out what was happening to me, it was easy to see the same process at work on other, larger blogs. The pattern was obvious. And if anyone wants to accuse me of paranoia simply because I recognize the existence of the obvious -- well, go ahead. I really can't give even half a damn.

Davey, do you honestly expect a cyber-stalking victim to support a candidate -- and a party -- that would engage in such vile tactics? Don't you understand that unfairly calling someone a racist has consequences? Those disgusting attacks are the reason why this life-long liberal (not "progressive": liberal) finally said adios to the Democratic party -- a party whose candidates have had my vote since the year after you were born.

And do you honestly expect me to feel sorry for you, David Sirota? Do you really think that you have suffered from "stalking"?

Davey, your compatriots in Obotland have proven themselves to be the most zealous, overbearing and downright obscene cyber-stalkers in the history of the internet. (Incidentally, I still get daily hate messages, although they no longer come from that Chicago address.)

The disgusting behavior of the Obama campaign cannot and will not be forgotten. If such behavior is forgiven or rationalized, it will be repeated.

And now, Davey, I see that you too have become a "racist," for you have dared to criticize He Who Must Never Be Dissed. Under the new rules -- let us call them the Kos rules -- anyone who treats Barack Obama as just another corrupt politician stands damned as a born bigot, indistinguishable from David Duke.

They're having a sale on white sheets at Target, Davey. See you at the check-out counter.

"Self interest": Davey thanks his "stalkers" for reasons of "self interest": Anything that drives up readership stats is fine by him. That's a key difference between a relentless self-promoter like Davey (whose appearances on the Franken program were heralded by a blaring theme song called "My Sirota") and a guy like me. In order to forestall accusations of "self interest," I long ago instituted a policy of discouraging links to this blog. I fought with sites like RAW Story to remove Cannonfire from their blogrolls. I've also turned down all offers (yes, I've received a goodly number) to lecture, to appear on the radio, and to write about politics for payment.

Perhaps we now have some insight into Davey's attraction to Obama. Both men belong to the same religious cult -- the cult of Me-Me-Me.


Rich said...

Curious about where the hate e-amil comes from now -- Washington? Chicago was the nerve center of the Obama political team from the post-Iowa primary season to the November endgame. Many of those key actors, beyond Axelrod, have moved to the West Wing.

Anonymous said...

Sirota was so relentlessly deceptive during the primaries that I have no reason to look at anything he has to say again -- I find him contemptible. Anyone who isn't a bot should understand that he gave up whatever integrity he had to shill for Obama. Joseph, you do a public service to call him out.
S. Khan

Anonymous said...

OK, fine. Dancing Opossum was right. He now surpasses Aravosis at his most demented.

Not to mention, far far more diverting! Hey, Davey!
If I die from inhaling my popcorn while laughing too hard, it will be worth it! The cartoon is even funnier today, thanks to you!

OTE admin said...

So a difference of opinion with a writer is called "stalking"? Sheesh.

By the way, remember how Sirota bellyached about the DLC all the time and yet at one time he tried to get a job working for the king DLCer of all, Joe Lieberman?

Sirota, like Arianna Huffington, goes wherever the wind blows.

gary said...

Obama lied in a political campaign. OK. I'm not condoning it but politics isn't beanbag. Kennedy lied. Both Clintons lied. Martin Luther King lied (and plagiarized and cheated on his wife.)

Obama knew some unsavory people in Chicago. But nothing to date suggests that he is the "target" of an investigation. He is unlikely to be indicted.

The campaign is over. Jesus. You don't see me still blogging about Hillary and sniper fire.

Obama may turn out to be a great President, a fair President, or a poor President. Time will tell.

I am tempted to link to your blog again just to piss you off. You are such a contrarian.

Anonymous said...

I linked to this Joe...

but seeing as how I have about 10 visitors, you're safe.

RedDragon said...

Yeah...he's a damn tool! Another writer that has lost his mind is Matt Taibi of Rolling Stone! I canceled my subscription because I couldn't stomach that O'Bot's Clinton lies!

RedDragon said...

I've never strolled onto Sirota's site until now. Believe me, it will be the last time I go there. this clown is so full of himself that I believe he actually bends over and gives himself pleasure!

I remember when he would come onto Franken's show. I remember that stupid little song! I remember why I stopped listening to Air America! thanks for the laugh Davey boy! i needed it!

Anonymous said...


Fitzgerald has steadfastly refused to clear Obama. When he says that Obama is not the target of the investigation, he is saying something very specific. The word "target" has a legal definition for a federal prosecutor - specifically, that the prosecutor considers the target a "putative defendent". You can be the person the prosecutor is investigating and the prosecutor can be pretty certain that he wants to indict you, but until he has his case almost entirely fleshed out and is almost entirely prepared to go to trial against you, you are not a target.

All we know is that Fitz refused to clear Obama, but that he is not prepared to indict him yet. Fitz now has two people who might interested in slinging dirt on Obama. These could be perilous times.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Red Dragon....the loss of Matt Taibi to Hopium addiction was a bitter shame.


I ventured over to read what Davey's groupies had to say, and Joseph...prepare yourself!!!!! To be punished....not sure if this entails wearing bottomless chaps or what....

"Since OpenLeft is the only site that I know of where prominent writers like David Sirota actually debate with readers, all of us have a clear interest in protecting Mr. Sirota's peace of mind, refraining from personal attacks against him, and punishing whoever attacks him personally." === Jacob Freeze

Bob Harrison said...

Well said, Joe. I'm gonna link to it, too. Since my minuscule blog is is rarely visited, I thought I would be safe from the Oborg, but lo and behold! Not only did receive, by a ratio of five to one, more death than threats from the Oborg than from the GOPers, the Obots managed to shut my blog down for three days with one of those "spam report" attacks. I am still a liberal but I will never,ever, this side of burning Hell, automatically support Democrats again.

Sirota. Sorry dude you have gone round the bend.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write a book about this election. Actually the thought just struck me that a book that was jointly written by a few of the major anti obama bloggers might be interesting-everyone could have their own chapter and verse...

By the way it is funny how may people have mentioned the fact that these hate bloggers seem to live in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Criticizing bloggers is not stalking especially when we're right.

Clinton bloggers/PUMAs have been stalked and harrassed night and day since January 2008. Many of us received death threats. Our commenters are violent, disgusting and vile. The Obama is a violent hate movement against women and GLBT.

Anonymous said...

We've all suffered from the Obots. Especially just before a primary election. Those were the worst. All blogs that were against Obama had the same users posting the same things under different names. The calls of racism really were the low points of Obama's campaign.

Obama's administration has already failed. Now, it's just a matter of going through the motions.

Anonymous said...

You guys have been going on about Fitzgerald indicting Obama for about a year now. I mean, if this is the Ken Starr witch hunt of the Clinton era, then so be it, but if Fitzgerald is the justice seeker you somehow seem to believe, Rove would be behind bars by now.

I find the issue of working against our president to be very sad in such perilous times. I don't think people have a real clue how screwed we all are right now.

As for Sirota- BFD. \
Today we lost Beverly Eckert, a woman who did all that she could to bring about an investigation into the tragedy that took the lives of so many good Americans. Now that is something to write about.

As for Obama- I couldn't give a shit. I want to see Rove locked up. That would be justice.

Anonymous said...


People who opposed Obama were aware far earlier than people who supported him just how bad the situation was going to be. one of the reasons that I worked so hard for Clinton was that I really wanted an experienced leader for the times that I knew were coming. instead, we have corrupt, flaccid little putz of a leader who turns control of the stimulus bill over to the Republicans who caused this mess so he can have the appearance of being bi-partisan. Basically, what it comes down to, is that Obama doesn't have the backbone to face down a filibuster. The GOP has his number and they will run him around in circles. I have no intention of supporting an idiot like that. I want him out of office as soon as possible and preferably in prison for a few years.

Fitz convicted Libby of destroying evidence and that was the evidence needed to nail Rove. Is he or is he not investigating Obama? No one knows save Fitz. Hopefully, though, he is and we can shove that Chicago thug up the ass of the DNC and move on to more a constructive use of our time.

Anonymous said...

Gary - Ok, Bill and Hillary lied about Bill getting a little something from an intern (who went to DC just to do that). Are you seriously placing that on a level with Obama lying about Bill and Hillary's history, legislation, accomplishments, positions, competentcy, character, and ethics...not to mention his own history, accomplishments, legislation, positions, competentcy, character, ethics, and family history? Hmm.

"Obama knew some unsavory people in Chicago"

You conveniently left out the part about how he took bribes from them (Giannoulis, Rezko, Auchi, to name a few) in return for favors both personal and political. It might be unlikely that he will ever be investigated, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be, or that those events don't reflect on his character and ethics.

(And it's funny you say we should move on from the campaign, yet you're perpetuating what happened during it by even bringing up the phony "sniper fire" issue.)

Anon: You say that you

"find the issue of working against our president to be very sad in such perilous times."

Funny, that's what wingnuts said when liberals criticized Bush: 'any criticism of the President equals working against the President, and we can't have that in a time of crisis such as this.' It was nonsense then, it's nonsense now.
If anything, politicians should be criticized *more* in times of crisis, as that is when criticism is needed the most, so as to facilitate the best possible response.

Sergei Rostov

Anonymous said...

Joseph, Now that you have called David Sirota out ignore him. He has a tiny little mind and is inflexible and paranoid. Remember, he drank the kool aid it had "funny" stuff in it. He's hysterical when he's messed up.

Anonymous said...

Wow Lori, you would think that Obama had somehow surpassed Rove & Bush in all of the atrocities committed against this nation!
I really don't get you seem to think that there is an honest politician out there who would work for your interests before their own, and somehow that would be Clinton.
Look- I voted for Clinton, but never did I expect much from him. As for Hillary, I expected less. After Bush, Clinton somehow looked like the savior- but he was very mediocre in many respects. I remember time and again being disappointed- but still I voted for him and was angry that the republicans impeached him.

Do you really believe anyone comes into power in this nation without a trail of deception on their path?
I wish I had your naivete, but alas, I worked in politics for years, and came away realizing that you can't work with your heart and work in politics. It's all a big game-and only those who make the rules win.

I never understood how Joe was so righteous in supporting Kerry, but still I voted for the dick. Take what you can get.
I was pretty pissed off to find out that Kerry closed out his campaign with a surplus in the account.
But again, I didn't expect much from Kerry and was angry that he got the nomination, so I suppose that was not a big surprise.

Hell- I wanted Edwards to win the nomination (both times), but boy am I glad that didn't happen now. There is always more to the picture than what you or I may have in focus. Good to keep that in mind when the anger over ideals burns inside.
But believe whatever gets you through the night- you have that right.