Monday, February 23, 2009

Big brother

Republicans want a law which would force all ISPs and and Wi-Fi providers -- yes, even the folks who give you coffee-shop hot spots -- to keep logs of all of your internet usage for a period of two years. Those logs will be made available to the cops upon request. Why? To "protect the children," of course. Of course, we know how those logs will really be used after a new act of terrorism (or a mass uprising of the homeless) changes the political landscape...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. It's scary how easily people will buy into the "child porn" reasoning for any sort of control of their internet access.

People really need to know more about this kind of... stuff.

Anonymous said...

The word you're looking for is proxy. Ironically, the really bad guys already know it. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

One of the creepy things about the Tim McVeigh story for me was that two days later, McDonalds still had the security video of McVeigh at the counter. I'd always assumed those cameras just ran a tape loop and the tape was only changed and preserved if something happened in the store. 48 hours of video seemed like a lot to preserve for a hick town in Kansas where nothing had happened.

Of course now they probably have digital recorders that can store a couple of months.