Friday, January 16, 2009

New war in Lebanon...?

Believe it or not, Israel is now offering clear warning of a new "massive war" in Lebanon. When is the Shitty Little Country going to be held accountable for its crimes?


Anonymous said...

I believe Israel staged that rocket fire.

They'll be held accountable when nations follow the example of Qatar, Venezuela and Bolivia by cutting off economic and diplomatic relations.

If they also cut off our oil supply the US would be forced to restrain those war criminals.

RedDragon said...

As long as the poor souls that believe in the "religion myth" continue to believe that "A God" chose this people as his "Own", nothing will change!

Isreal knows this and exploits it!

Hadrian said...

Israel will never be held accountable. Lets face it, the US and Israel are now bound at the hip and the interests of each country are now one. Since, the seventies, our economic "carrot" which at one time was held over Israeli heads has been taken away, so there is no "stick". These days, the Israli's are more than confident about thumbing their noses at our complaints--should there even be any. We use our vote each and every time to veto any condemnation that the UN may hurl at the SLC. The Israeli media machine is so fine tuned that anytime there may be a wiff of criticism of Israeli attrocities in the US, it is still born. Every single legislator we have are totally cowed by the fear that they will be labled an Anti-Semite (along with the myriad attendant repercusions associated with that conversation killing appellation)should they find enough courage to offer any real complaint about Israeli massacres of Palestinians or dare criticize it's policies. It is more than pathetic and disgusting to see our politicians on both sides of the aisle parrot the same pro-Israeli crap about how Hamas is the agressor, and Israel always the victim. Nothing can be so distressingly far from the truth. No one seems to want to face the fact that within living memory of a lot of us, and especially of those from whom are most directly impacted by the events of 1948, that Israel stole the land of the Arabs living in the country during the aftermath of the Holocaust and now expects the dispossed rightful owners of the land to accept living like refugees and animals. Human nature has never condoned this state of affairs and never will.

Israel is not in least bit interested in "Peace", unless it means that everyone erase recent historical memory and let it continue it's genocidal policy of annexation. The Israeli government will only be content with the acquisiton of all of the land of Palestine. Why else would the map of the West Bank look like a third stage cancerous lung, so sprinkled it is with Israeli settlements and outposts? The purpose of these colonies is to create facts on the ground for future negotiations, and whose natural expansion will eventually result in the absorbtion of the entire West Bank. The way things are progressing, it is easy to predict that Gaza will eventually be wiped out as well. A vivid indication of this eventuality is the raptous pro-Israeli demonstration that Joseph Cannon posted on his site yesterday. I believe that the sentiments expressed by the Israel loving New Yorkers in this video are the naked and unrefined attitude of many American Jews here in this country, "Wipe them out", and "A cancer must be excised". These people who believe this must have overlooked reading the German newspapers in the early 1930's which expressed a similar vein of thought, only toward the Jews at that time. How ironic that the modern Jewish state has created Warsaw like ghetto's in Gaza and the West bank. How pathetically ironic that the die-hard believers in the state of Israel cannot see the direct and unrefutable parallel.

I belive that the present situation will never be altered unless and until the US finds a means of releasing itself from our overwhelming dependance on overseas petroleum. At that point, we will not need Israel as much as we do now. Perhaps we will never be free of this dependance given the fact that both Israel and it's supporters are more than aware of this fact.

Anonymous said...

"When is the [SLC] going to be held accountable for its crimes?"

The Bolivian government has stated that it will try to get Israel prosecuted for war crimes at the Hague.

(Israel, like the US, has not ratified its signature of the Rome Statute, so would never condescend to submit to the authority of the ICC. But its leaders might have to be much more careful about their travel plans).

I am beginning to become a starry-eyed lefty, leaving behind my former situationist-influenced ultra-leftism, where Bolivia and Venezuela are concerned. I read today that only three countries in Latin America are officially 'free' of illiteracy by UNESCO standards, meaning that literacy rates are higher than 96%. Cuba got there first, in 1961. Then Venezuela, in 2005. And most recently Bolivia, in 2008. Hundreds of thousands of people of all ages have been taught how to read, including both in Spanish and in native languages, in a period of a few months.

It takes about 100 hours to teach someone to read, at any age (from 18 months to 90), if they are taught properly. The key is to move fast. Teaching a baby to read at 1-2 is something I might write a book about, if any fscking publisher were interested. My effort would be far superior to works by e.g. Glenn Doman, who once wrote that it was great that babies should start learning to read by noticing big-company logos... But I digress.

I note the Iranian article reports the calling up of Zionist reserves with reference to a possible attack on Lebanon. I'd guess that since they would hardly be required in a 'mere' massive round of aerial bombing, an invasion is what is being considered - or threatened - or prepared.

Lastly - what do people make of the fire at the chemical plant in Ashdod, fairly close to Gaza. Whaddayaknow, resistance rockets are said to have hit the city from Gaza. Ashdod is a major chemical storage site. According to Haaretz, the authorities sealed off many entry routes to the city, after the fire broke out on Wednesday. Comments?


Anonymous said...

Look at this disgusting quote from a senior Israeli military (reservist) officer: "We have exhausted this mission," he said. "It was an excellent exercise in calling up reserves and training, but the time has come to cut before things begin to get messy."

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...This is interesting. At a press conference today, reporters called Tzipi Livni a "terrorist" and asked about civilian deaths. The report in Ha'aretz notes that the conference was "testy." It also refers to the "women in pink" which I assume is Code Pink:

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Joe, while many consider the MidEast conflicts to be about the control of oil, much of the struggle between Lebanon and Israel might be over the LITANI RIVER.
(Partial quote from the link):
After 1971, the growth in southern Lebanon of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) - by refugees from the Jordanian Civil War - resulted in a rise in hostilities in that border area with Israel. These led in 1978 to Operation Litani by Israel and the 1982 Arab - Israel War. The fear exists in Lebanon that Israel will divert the Litani to join the Jordan River system, but Israel has replied that this is politically unfeasible.

Joseph Cannon said...

Peter, it's always nice to say hello to new readers. See here: