Friday, January 02, 2009

It never stops!

The COLB controversy continues apace, and not just in the supermarket tabloids. See here for a particularly amusing example. At first, the audience was told that startling! new! evidence! offered take-it-to-the-bank proof of Obama's Kenyan birth. Alas, things changed...
In his 7:45pm Plains Radio broadcast, this last night, Ed Hale backed down from his prior assertion of having gained even uncertain information about the Barack Sr. / Stanley Ann divorce decree containing language referring to Barack Jr. as being born in Kenya. Instead, Hale referred to an apparently tricky recollection... of an indeterminate person... referring to such a document's generally referring to the place of birth of the children of the divorced parents. That is not what I heard from Mr. Hale on the 31st.

Two people reported during the broadcast that they had contacted Hale's private investigator yesterday, who indicated he did not thoroughly read the documentation and does not know how it addresses Barack Obama Jr. -- nor did he make a copy for himself.
Will the conspiracy theorizing continue? Yes, it will.

What is the attraction of this myth? Isn't it enough for political opponents to say "I don't agree with Barack Obama" or "I don't like Barack Obama"? Must people continue to assert that he is somehow alien?

Incidentally, I doubt that Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. were divorced, because I doubt that they were married.


Anonymous said...

I listened to the broadcast night before last too and, from what I understood, the "evidence" was in an envelope at a certain FedEx hub awaiting delivery on Friday. At least that was the information from the tracking system at FedEx.

There are two points that can't be denied in this issue. One is that several lawyers are spending a lot of time and money to prove that Obama is not legally eligible for the office of POTUS and, two, Obama is spending a lot of money hiring lawyers to defend his "privacy right" to keep his vault copy birth certificate secret.

All speculation aside, just those two facts would/could/does engender a rightful suspicion that something is being hidden. So much for transparency all around.

Anonymous said...

Mr Cannon,what is it, are you really a closet Obama supporter? I don't see why you are so against finding out if obama is in violation of what the Constitution requires. And why should he not have to open his records to the public? There are a lot of legitimate questions that need an answer: why won't he show his birth certificate? my understanding is that there is a difference between a COLB and a birth cert.(some official says he has seen it but don't say what it says) what about dual citizenship or just Kenyan citizenship due to his father being Kenyan? What about his possible Indonesian citizenship? what kind of a passport did he use to travel to Pakistan? and on and on. What is wrong with wanting answers to these and other related questions? Please don"t think I'm trying to be confrontational I just believe that some competant legal minds need to be satisfied with the answers to some of there questions

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, the reason BO hides this part of his resume is that the parents were not legally married.
I think Obama is a citizen, and this controversy is chump change compared to his associations with the sludge in Chicago, and the IL statehouse...that is where the real bones are buried.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder if the people pushing the COLB thing aren't really Obama supporters posing as his opponents.

Kinda like the way FAUX News gives air time to the goofiest "liberals" they can find but not the real ones.

Anonymous said...

I had someone from the birther movement contact me a few weeks ago. She wanted the names of the people I had spoken with at the Department of Vital Records and at the Honolulu Advertiser where the public announcement of his birth ran 8 days after he was born. She was trying to make the case that sometimes people remember stuff wrong, and that maybe the lady at the DVR simply thought that they asked for notarized verification of birth rather than actually done it. She claimed to have a statute from the time that said that the person merely needed to request the form and did not require any notarized statements. I tracked the woman back down, and she said no, she was quite confident that through out the sixties, they had always demanded that the person requesting the birth certificate bring in a notarized statement from a doctor who had done a check up of the new born infant or a midwife who had been at the birth.

The birther asked if the information that the DVR posted for the newspapers, from which the birth/death/marriage/divorce announcements ran, could have been raw data. Raw data. What would that be coming from the DVR? And why on earth would the local newspaper of record publish raw data? Wouldn't that defeat the point of being the newspaper of record?

I know what's going on here. Obama didn't have to deal with the birth certificate story so he didn't. A healthy campaign - an HONEST campaign - whether they felt they needed to clear it up or not, would have dealt with it precisely so that their supporters didn''t spend the next four years, as Obama's dimwits inevitably will, dealing with this crap.

My prediction is that with Obama as president, we are going to have four years of entirely unnecessary drama almost non-stop - with examples A. and B. being the birth certificate story and the appointment to his senate seat.

I am starting to think the guy is as stupid as George Bush. I can't believe we got stuck with two of 'em in a row.

Alessandro Machi said...

I guess the issue is, Barack Obama IS a Citizen, BUT, is he a NATURALIZED Citizen.

Is that a distinction with a difference? Perhaps yes. If a couple makes sure to birth their baby in the United States to make sure their baby is a US citizen even if one of the parents is not, that does not necessarily mean the baby is a natural born citizen. The baby would be a US citizen and then his or her children would be natural born citizens.

Barack Obama's children are natural born citizens even if Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen.

It does seem logical that if both parents are not citizens of the this country, then their children born on US soil would be citizens, but not natural born citizens.

Anonymous said...

'Tis by faith in Blagogate alone that Man shall be saved from eternal Obamnation -- not by the foolish works of citizenship-besotted bloggers.

Anonymous said...

How do you know he's not an alien, Joseph? He himself has said that he was sent to save this planet by his father, Jor-El. He also said his middle name is "Steve," so we know he's a liar. I've stated that I believe that he was created in a political science lab out of re-animated pieces of dead presidents, but that's another story. But, he could be an alien, Joseph, he really could. After watching the media lovefest for an unproven politician who somehow raised close to a billion dollars from little, clingy, Bible-thumping, gun owners he continues to gleefully throw under the bus, I'll believe anything.

Anonymous said...

The blame ultimately lies with Obama. He could end this right now by producing his real birth certificate but he chooses not to. He has something to hide and people will continue to come up with guesses as to what he is hiding until the truth comes out. I think the COLB is insignificant compared to all of the other secrets hanging in Obama's closet from his childhood to his associations in Chicago. I don't think we'll ever get to learn about the real Barack Obama because his followers and the media are more interested in the myth that Obama and his handlers have created.

Anonymous said...

The "attraction" is that even an historic PE made out of teflon could not spin his way out of proven constitutional ineligibility.

Arlen Williams said...

"At first, the audience was told that startling! new! evidence! offered take-it-to-the-bank proof of Obama's Kenyan birth."

That is utterly untrue. Please correct your own blog posting.

Arlen Williams
Investigating Obama

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that providing the 'original' colb will persuade everybody of anything.

We'll still see web-graphics-based jpeg artifacts of the new document's photographs touted as 'proof' of tampering/forgery.

It would be similar to the Vince Foster case. Each and every investigation that put the conspiracy theory story to bed was considered a cover up, and new investigations were demanded, and received. Rinse and repeat was the only net result.


Anonymous said...

Brace yourself. The lead up to the inauguration will be nothing short of God visiting for the day. The MSM will wring every narrative they can about "african american boy who makes good"....avoiding the truth, BO is bi-racial.

Anonymous said...

We know that the birth certificate says that Obama's parents were married because the announcement printed in the Honolulu Advertiser 8 days after his birth, lists his parents as Mr. and Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama. Hospitals do not question whether a mother is telling the truth about her marital status because it isn't their job to assess their patient's truthfulness. They simply record what the patient tells them.

This is what we know - Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 and that by the middle of the week, his birth certificate had been processed by the Department of Vital Records, and the official notice listed for publication in the Sunday, August 13th issue of the Honolulu Advertiser - the local paper of record. This was not a paid announcement. Paid announcements were in a different section of the paper. This public record was taken directly from the list of births/deaths/marriages/divorces provided by the Department of Vital Records for publication. It's official. Regarding his COLB, we know that Joe Cannon has revealed the embossing that is barely visible proving that it is not some mock up created by the goons at DK.

Obama isn't hiding anything. He's having a good time laughing at the people who keep this up. He didn't have to deal with it - because he is a naturally born American citizen - so, being a supreme asshole, he didn't deal with it.

I have to wonder to what degree the Obama camp is keeping this story alive to distract from the far more damning Rezko tales.

gary said...

The document can be found here:

although page 4 doesn't seem to show up. It appear that Obama's mother and father were married, and divorced, in Hawaii and she got custody of the kid. Nothing about him being born in Kenya.

Anonymous said...

If Obama's parents were married and divorced in Hawaii in the early 60s, then there will be a public record of that available. I had asked that a preliminary search be done in the archives of the Honolulu Advertiser but nothing showed up. This would be a simple task for someone. Go to the Hawaii State Library and search the archives of the Honolulu Advertiser for 1960-1964. There may also be data files in the library from the Department of Vital Records as well. Either way, it's an afternoon's work for someone and considering how much drama has arisen around this, it seems like a good investment of time. If someone wants to buy me a ticket to Hawaii, and a few nights in a hotel room, I'll dig up lots of information about his time there.

Michelle Obama says that Barack's mother was "very much single" and, personally, I would take her at face value on that.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Some folks think Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis.

Anonymous said...

As anticipated, there's no substance to it. Nothing about Obama being born outside the US. They've changed the subject to the old chestnut about his father being British/Kenyan/Martian/whatever, as if that were news to anyone.

Bob Harrison said...

BO's birth certificate sez he's white. That's why he doesn't want you to see it; and Joe, when you see smoke do you think fire or do you think it's a conspiracy theory nut smoking reefer?

Anonymous said...

when you see smoke do you think fire or do you think it's a conspiracy theory nut smoking reefer?

Well, if you had once done a detailed investigation of a similar cloud of smoke (as Joseph did in the case of the Techdude/COLB forgery claim) and it turned out that there was, indeed, nothing there but a conspiracy nut with a reefer -- and if every other much-ballyhooed case of "smoke" had eventually turned out to be merely flatulence (as with this latest fizzle) -- then it wouldn't be unreasonable to make the same working hypothesis in later cases.

Alessandro Machi said...

So all those who say the whole thing is a farce also say that there is no difference between being a natural born citizen versus being a citizen.

Then why does it say natural born in the constitution?

Anonymous said...

So all those who say the whole thing is a farce also say that there is no difference between being a natural born citizen versus being a citizen.

What sites are you talking about? I've never heard anyone say that.

What people are saying is that (a) there is not a scintilla of evidence to support the claim that Obama was born outside the US, and (b) his father being Kenyan does not disqualify him from being a natural-born citizen in the Constitutional sense.

Please, please, drop this nonsense. It risks discrediting, by association, those lines of attack against Obama which do have actual substance to them.

Anonymous said...


That is what is noticeable about the obsession with the birth certificate - it prevents the kind of discussion about Rezko that could actually impact Obama.

Anonymous said...

Ed Hale from shot and killed two big feet.. Or were they human?

Making Noise!

glennmcgahee said...

Its amazing that we know so little about Obama's past anyhow. How is it that those pictures of Obama from Columbia University, with cigarette in hand just come out now, after the election. So, there is more than meets the eye. At last we hear from somebody who knew him then. Who else will come forward? His dealer? His party buddies? I believe there is an Ayers link in his past too going that far back. We'll learn all this as time goes on but the big question is how is that happening only now when the press should have been busy all this time looking for those associates.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why it enters the realm of conspiracies to enforce the Constitution. People just want to put this issue to rest because if it is found out later on that Obama was NOT a NBC, then all laws passed during his tenure are null and void. Every order he gave, illegal. Even without knowing if Obama is a NBC, people can claim this as a defense as to why they did not follow laws passed during Obama's tenure.

There are even organizations being set up to challenge every single law passed by the Obama administration.

But oh no!!! Don't make sure the Constitution is followed. It's too bothersome.