Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The shoe-thrower

The journalist who threw shoes at George Bush has been tortured, or so says a credible report.


Perry Logan said...

If this guy could stay in power a few more years, America would have a fully functioning Ministry of Love.

Shainzona said...

Good heavens! A real news report that lasts longer than 15 seconds. No wonder Americans are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

I guess the implication here, not by you of course, is that the U.S. is guilty of torture. It is all our fault. American's suck. American's are evil. Isn't Jane from England? The last piece I read someone on that site admitted as much. I wonder what their motives are?

Let me tell you I am a liberal to the core. I don't go for that progressive label nonsense either. But I am sick of hearing and reading of how evil American's are and how we are the root cause of all the evil in the world.

My simple take on all this torture mess is that we didn't corrupt the world. It was the other way around. We didn't torture the guy in Iraq. The Iraqi's did it themselves.

Why? It is because that is the way they have ALWAYS done things. They did it while Saddam was in office. They did it before he seized power and they'll do it from now on regardless of how many of our soldiers and their citizens die. Arabs, Iraqi's, Persian's, etc. have always lived by the sword. Always.