If it is JJJr -- and I think it is -- it's going to be very, very bad. From Paragraph 115 a:
In a recorded conversation on October 31, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH described an earlier approach by an associate of Senate Candidate Five as follows: "We were approached 'pay to play.' That, you know, he'd raise me 500 grand. An emissary came. Then the other guy would raise a million, if I made him (Senate Candidate 5) a Senator."Could Emil Jones get that kind of money? I know that JJJr could.
(I hear a baritone from the grave: "Yes, but it would be wrong.")
Karma is a bitch is it not Joe?
We will know soon if Fitz is serious about nailing Candidate #5 and possibly O himself.....
Btw, I want JJJr bad, real bad. He is the real MOFO.
Just a thought Joe:
You s'pose the Blago story is a "red herring" to draw attention away from what one of your commenters mentioned about
Grand Jury Subpoenas Issued On Rezko/Obama Land Deal?
Well, the allegations could be true, or they might not be. We really don't know. Face it, the GOP hasn't changed one damned bit in its tactics, and I don't care for Obama. This arrest is all about payback for Obama being elected. Let's see, get rid Blago, and the GOP will have TWO seats ripe for the picking in a special election. This is what it is REALLY about; Fitzgerald is just as a big a hack as Kenneth Starr. Before cheering Fitzgerald on, and Fitzgerald will be out of a job in January when Obama takes over, read the affidavit and look at the footnotes. The footnotes tell the whole story, I am afraid. Almost all of the shady "witnesses" have either plea bargains or immunity.
Really Susan? So, was Fitzgerald "a hack" when he was investigating the Plame/CIA Leak case?
If you really think the Obama administration can [politically] replace Fitz after today's revelations come Jan 20th, you are delusional. And the evidence core is the wiretaps and bugged conversations, not witness testimony.
... Speaking of Ken Starr, the current President can just name him [Fitz] a special prosecutor on the way out and make him untouchable. Isn't that right?
I would love Joe's take on the Grand Jury and the whistleblower re the Obama's property appraisal.
The original story was on Oct. 18.
Why was it only reported in the Washington Times, Drudge...and I think I saw Newsweek, but I stopped searching after a few pages.
Why wouldn't the local Chicago papers have reported it?
Was the story suppressed because of the proximity of the election?
It's re-emerging now on the RW blogs, but why so few original sources, and what's next on that horizon?
The man who wanted to analyze Hillary's tears? who wanted to add a chapter to the Bible on Obama and betrayed his own father? be still my heart!
Susan has it all wrong. Here in Illinois we are truly post-partisan; corruption is the only game, and it is played by both parties. Was Fitzgerald a partisan hack when he put Republican George Ryan in jail? George Ryan is Joan of Ark compared to Rod Blagoyevich.
I enjoy knowing your take on things Joe , you really know your peeps, but Susan's posts here today are some type of DK infiltration. Can a person really be this delusional, and not be hitting the BO Koolaide???
In the words of Poppy Bush, JJJr is in deep doo-doo.
Joe, that "Grand Jury Subpoenas Issued On Rezko/Obama Land Deal?" link above had 564 "hits" last night.
As of 10:00 a.m. today it was down to 476.
As of this writing, the hit number stands at 427.
After some time to reflect upon yesterdays events, Fitzgerald appears to have used the eminent harm pretext for indicting the governor. This is a good reason since Blagovich is so spectacularly indiscreet. However it is also the perfect opportunity to put a case into the national spotlight which would make it almost impossible to get rid of Fitzgerald who is becoming a mythic figure in Illinois. He appears to have checkmated Obama yesterday.
That link above doesn't even take me to a web page. It gets a Google search.
Was there supposed to be a direct connection to a web page there?
if it was good enough for
Abc News came to the same conclusion, via "federal law enforcement sources".
#5 will be free to say he or she knew what was up and purposely wanted to see if Blago would take a bribe, and of course had to make it look real, and who can prove otherwise hmm? And Blago is free to say Yeah, sure, and I would have given every penny to the citizens of the state as a rebate, and donated my future salaries to the state's retirement/nursing homes.
Brian Ross at ABC News is reporting that according to his sources Candidate 5 is JJJ. And JJJ just confirmed that he has been invited by the FBI for an interview and that he is going as soon as possible, after he talks to his lawyers.
You can't make this stuff up!
“I had no contact with the Governor or his office” ~ Obama Dec. 9, 2008 http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/12/obamas-answer-o.html
In this Dec. 2, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama, right, greets Illinois Gov. Rob Blagojevich
He only meant that he had no contact within the previous ten minutes, not seven whole days.
I don't know what's up with Susan, but Fitzpatrick seems like a decent guy to me. Nothing screams hack.
I think people really got to get out of Republican bad Democrat good (and vice versa) mood and start haolding everyone accountable.
Is there any wonder why Pelosi won't press charges against Bush. They're all dirty.
JJJ can't say he knew what was happening and was just trying to set Blago up. He has no jurisdiction to be setting up undercover operations.
You're going to hear a lot more lefties saying "Shit on Fitz." Quite a turnaround, it will be! But the smears won't take hold.
elliewyatt.....these kinda of comments discredit the whole case you and yours make.
you purposely cut off the caption...
** FILE ** In this Dec. 2, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama, right, greets Illinois Gov. Rob Blagojevich, left, at the Bipartisan meeting of the National Governor's Association in Philadelphia.
You're going to hear a lot more lefties saying "Shit on Fitz."
Joseph...reminds me of how they abandoned Krugman for a while.
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