Sunday, December 07, 2008

History, bass-ackwards

I just came back from the grocery store, where the Globe tabloid blares that Hillary plans to divorce Bill in order to please Obama. Obama, it seems, is still furious at the way Bill Clinton "dissed" him during the primaries.

Yeah, you read that right. Clinton dissed Obama. Not the other way 'round.

So, do you think it is time to forgive the Jews for rounding up all of those innocent Germans and forcing them to work in concentration camps during World War II? Also, I want our new president to write me a reparations check. It was monstrous for black people to bring whites over from Europe in slave ships.


Anonymous said...

thank you, joseph, this old history major needed to smile tonight.

2Truthy said...

A British tabloid also reported that Michelle is planning on divorcing Barry in order to please Bill. When will this Obama tit-for-tat ever end?

Joseph Cannon said...

Okay, if they swapped wives, THAT would be cool. Just for the weirdness factor, y'know?

2Truthy said...

Of course, one bonus of this unconventional Clinton/Obie swap-out would be for the whole country to take bets on who could make who write bad reparations checks and forge a huge lottery pool --
a new fangled, neo-economic stimulation deal.

Unknown said...

Wasn't last week's headline that Hillary was about to leave Bill for her lesbian lover?

Edgeoforever said...

I thought Obama was leaving Michelle for Oprah?
Honestly, the Globe knows the Clintons are a safe subject. White powder comes when tackling the Bushes and who knows with the new people?

Anonymous said...

The reparations rim shot applies hypothetically to Michelle (who didn't run for office), but not to Barack Obama, whose ancestry doesn't include slaves over here (but maybe includes slave masters).