Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Free Muntather Al-Zaydi

He's the guy who threw shoes at Bush. Mind you, I do not approve of tossing footwear at any president. But the only harm done, it seems, was to Al-Zaydi, who appears to have undergone torture and/or very rough treatment. That's enough -- more than enough.

So go here.


Peter of Lone Tree said...

Perhaps even a worse insult, he called boygeorge a "dog."
Kinda like an American calling someone a "Son of a Bitch" and meaning it.

Joseph Cannon said...

I never understood the antipathy for dogs in Islamic culture. Of course, they think our fondness for dogs is really really weird.

Anonymous said...

Just a guess, Joe, but it may have to do with dogs do in desert climes: I would imagine their paws combined with their weight cause them to sink into the sand, and their fur makes them too hot to function in the extreme heat.

Sergei Rostov

Anonymous said...

I must say, though, ol' George is pretty agile: he ducked that shoe expertly.

Sergei Rostov