Saturday, December 20, 2008

Blame Bill!

They've found a new way to blame Bill Clinton for the housing bubble. Wow. I guess Clinton must also have forced lenders not to verify employment...


Edgeoforever said...

It's how they do things: during Clinton, good things were not mentioned, not attributed to him. Everything bad in the word was in his lap.
With W - everything good was his, everything bad was "the federal government"
Watch for things to continue this way under St Obama.

Perry Logan said...

The Right are as predictable as the sunrise. I'm looking forward to the Heritage Foundation report proving the entire Bush Administration was Bill Clinton's fault.

Anonymous said...

Do you know, I had seen the same piece and drew the same conclusion. I think its just the latest in a series of weakly argued pieces blaming the financial collapse on Clinton and not Bush. I have also noticed the absurd Bush effort to rebrand the war as one in which intelligence misled the commander in chief. Those of us who watched this thing as it unfolded know only too well how absurd that charge is. But if it works it will finally prove that it doesn't matter what you do, only how good your propaganda is.


Anonymous said...

Hey, it's the New York Times. what did you expect? Journalism?
It's good for lining bird cages and wrapping fish so it's not a total waste of a tree.

Anonymous said...

The Right are as predictable as the sunrise. I'm looking forward to the Heritage Foundation report proving the entire Bush Administration was Bill Clinton's fault.
# posted by Perry Logan : 5:18 AM

Well, they have already blamed the 00's terrorism on him (no need to go into why they think so, we've heard it so many times); the economy (based on the absurd notion that economic policies take a full decade to kick in); crime increases both personal and corporate (his 'personal immorality' gave everyone the green light), what else is left?

Sergei Rostov