Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blago and O and Rahm

ABC News asks a damned good question:
But there remain questions about how Blagojevich knew that Mr. Obama was not willing to give him anything in exchange for the Senate seat — with whom was Blagojevich speaking? Did that person report the governor to the authorities?
A ponderable like that makes me think that there is stuff in those wiretaps that did not make it into the Complaint.

Those who think that Blago was not talking to Rahm should consider this:
He and Obama “participated in a small group that met weekly when Rod was running for governor,” Emanuel said. “We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two.” A spokesman for Blagojevich confirmed Emanuel’s account...
Emanuel later changed his story, no doubt after the realization hit him that Blago was toxic. But cah-MON. You simply cannot mis-recall being part of a "small group" like that.


Unknown said...

What do they say about a success having many children but a failure is an orphan? When Blago was riding high it was good for Obama to be part of the team that got him high. And Emmanuel listed a very small group that helped it happen. Then when Blago turns out to be toxic - everybody runs away. "Who? Me? I hardly knew the guy!"

Anonymous said...

This is how conspiracy is broken. Fitzgerald is putting out enough info to charge, but far from putting out all he has. This is to scare the bejesus out of other actors to get them to rat. Those who are ignorant enough to claim that Obama must be innocent of all crimes because he is not named in a charge against the governor are either stupid or ingenuous. This case has been being developed for five years and will go on another five.

I thought of Chicago as a busted sewer, but it is really a sewage plant. Why are people so shocked with Blagojevich selling an appointment? He has been doing it for years with Rezko to hospital oversight commissions. Is selling a Senate seat that much different?

Anonymous said...

YUP! Blago's singin' the blues now I bet. "Nobody loves you when you're down and out."

Ha ha. Actually there is probably a lot that was either not released or was replaced with "candidte #" or "Fundraiser A" representative B and so on. I'm quite sure Blago did not use those terms on the tapes. they just don't want to tip their hand yet I think.

ABC does indeed make a great point that how could they know Obama offered nothing if it was never asked and nobody talked to him? Pfft! More reprehensible behaviour from more corrupt politicians. nothing new!

Poor Blago! nobody loves him!


DebC said...

Joseph...I agree with you wholeheartedly! There's a gap, I believe from 11/5 to 11/23 in the wiretapped info. I think someone gave the Changeling and his crew a heads-up (Fitzgerald? Someone working for/with Fitzgerald?? The wire-wearer? - I don't know - yet), warning them not to say anything incriminating and they followed that to the letter, only offering "appreciation" in response to Blagojevich's demands.

I don't know if Rahm reported the governor, but I'm starting to think Obama & Co had a hand in setting him up. While "O," Rahm and Axelrod are back-pedalling now, not sure what the governor will do (depends on how much he's promised for shutting the hell up), but ain't technology grand???

Mike J. said...

I suppose the only remaining question is the extent to which the pro-Obama media will bend over backwards to sweep this hot potato under the rug (mixed metaphor, I know). On the other hand, there's nothing the media loves more than a nice political scandal that deals with issues of "character" and not policy (booorrrrriiiingggg....), so who knows. Of course, this would require some major backflips on part of folks who have been carrying water for Obama for past couple of years (and backflips while carrying water can be hazardous to your health).

Anonymous said...

for your consideration....


"DCCC head Rahm Emanuel (and former male ballet dancer) was aware at least since 2005 that Foley was molesting young male pages. Emanuel, every bit as bad a scumbag as Foley and the GOP leadership who covered up for Foley, did nothing to protect the young pages from predators like Foley and Arizona Republican Jim Kolbe (who was also preying on them). Instead he decided to use the info as ammo in his partisan war to win a seat from the Republicans."

Anonymous said...

Never liked Rahm - but I don't know where you are getting the idea people think Rahm didn't talk to Blago- it was more of a case of ...did Rahm spill the beans and talk to the FBI?
Most people agree- that did not happen.

Joseph Cannon said...

Anon...yeah, TPM recently heard from Rahm's office, which gave a denial. Seems to me that Rahm would be in LESS trouble if he had reported an attempted bribe to the proper authorities. If he did not...

...well, I'll repeat: How did Blago know that he wasn't going to get any upfront money from Obama? Who ELSE would he talk to on Team Obama, if not Rahm?

Citizen K said...

"...well, I'll repeat: How did Blago know that he wasn't going to get any upfront money from Obama? Who ELSE would he talk to on Team Obama, if not Rahm?"

Perhaps Chicago insider Valerie Jarrett?

Anonymous said...

So, I wonder what happens when Blago offers up all that he knows about The One in exchange for a short, cushy sentence at some federal pen in a warm climate?

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

I think I read the same thing you did- Rahm's office denied tipping off the FBI.

That does not mean that Rahm was not the point man for discussing the alleged deal Blago was looking to make. Did you also notice that at the press conference when Obama was answering questions on this he started to say "We (meaning Obama's people)did not talk" ...and then corrected himself within seconds of we- and stated "I did not talk with Blago..." Rahm probably did speak with Blago and turned him down on behalf of Obama-whether or not Obama was conscious of Blago's solicitation is open to debate, but a good team player would insure deniablity to the President elect.

In any case, it was probably the tapes that served as evidence...Rahm is not dumb enough to not suspect any deal with Blago was dangerous- they were on Blago like white on rice ;-)

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"So, I wonder what happens when Blago offers up all that he knows..."


Anonymous said...

"Defenestration" is one of my all-time favorite top-ten words. When I learned about the Defenesration of Prague in ninth grade history I was utterly charmed.