Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Was Franken robbed?

The numbers are troubling. Throughout election night, snap tallies were taken from the Secretary of State's web site. At several points, the numbers for Franken went down. How?


Alessandro Machi said...

I have wondered the same thing about the 2004 presidential election. If you would "snapshot" the results, you might notice a pattern in which Kerry spends most of the time gaining on George Bush, yet suddenly Kerry's numbers in relation to George Bush would spike backwards, or Bush would surge forward.

It almost seemed like Kerry was gaining 75%-80% of the time, yet somehow ending up behind.


Edgeoforever said...

Coleman win over Mondale in 2002 was also highly suspect, being the exact reverse of the final polls. Coleman was one of the candidates publicly kissed by W - there were 3-4 of those - Georgia, Texas too - all reversing the polls - mirror image. And the exit polls were discarded that year.

Anonymous said...

Occam's Razor says the most likely explanation of undervotes is that the voters undervoted (did not vote downticket.)

Remember the Texas Democratic primary? Results showed that Obama supporters were less likely to vote downticket than Hillary supporters.

If Franken was robbed it was Obamanation that did it.