Thursday, November 06, 2008

O as W

It's weird. Conservative publications are printing arguments that, with a light re-writing, should appear in lefty rags -- and which will appear in such venues, once independent thought becomes permissible again. Here's an NRO piece that points out the eerie similarities between Barky and Georgie -- and mark my words, The Nation will print an exactly similar piece within two years, unthinkable as that outcome might seem right now:
Bush has also been castigated (by all sides) for allowing government spending to reach record levels. (The Left accepts no responsibility, even though the Pelosi-Reid Congress has been in control the past two years and severely disrupted Bush prior to that.) Obama’s robust plans will expand government spending far past the levels Bush has overseen. During the first debate, he was unable to announce a single spending program he would cut to make room for the bailout expenditure he was supporting.

The Left has excoriated Bush for infringing on individual rights, whether through spying on us all, utilizing torture, or holding captives at Guantanamo. While Obama has yet to be in a position to exercise any similar power, his responses to negative campaign ads give some clue as to how much he respects individual rights. From having pressured cable channels not to run certain ads to trying to stir up Justice Department investigations into those involved in creating the ads, Obama seems to indicate that free speech is not a value he holds dear.
Bush is repeatedly charged with cronyism and labeled as a pawn for oil companies. The implication is that Bush, an oilman, abused his power to assist his presumed big-oil buddies. The same charge, with more than a hint of corruption, is leveled at Cheney and his Halliburton chums for having received no-bid contracts in Iraq. Obama seems to have interesting relationships with his pals as well. His record is replete with bills he facilitated to grant government money to real-estate developers, particularly recently convicted slumlord Tony Rezko, who, in turn, helped finance Obama’s campaigns and assisted his home purchase.
This is no small point. Obama has a long history of using "progressive" causes as an excuse to funnel government money to shady campaign contributors. Most of the media ignored this sort of robbery when W's cronies pilfered the public treasury during Iraq reconstruction and the post-Katrina clean-up. Never forget that Rezko's pals tried to get a chunk of the Iraq reconstruction cash, and never forget Rezko's ties to Bushco.
Bush has been tagged with subordinating his work schedule to his exercise requirements at all costs. Obama is sometimes said to be exercising three times a day, and he has referred to his exceptionally long workouts.
That one's new to me. But I'm not surprised.
The Bush narratives were constantly shaped in relationship to his father...
Nuff said.
While Bush has often been cast as a front for the likes of Karl Rove, the evil genius, we have never seen such a well-manufactured specimen as Obama. David Axelrod, a pro trained with Chicago’s Daley machine, engages all of the “mischievous” attributes commonly projected upon Rove.
Axelrod has criticized the “victim” tactics of Hillary Clinton while fully exploiting being a victim of some nebulous “divisiveness.” The attacks on Sarah Palin (and the false rumors about her baby) would have been identified as classic “Rove” maneuvers had they emanated from a Republican campaign.
Democrats have been led to believe that after this election, no longer will we Americans (much less our highly valued allies who have had to suffer right along with us) have to put up with a president who came into office without relevant experience. One who had used drugs and alcohol more than experimentally and who only came to find God later in life. One who spends an inordinate amount of time exercising and vacationing. One who has had lifelong psychological issues concerning his father. One who is so stubborn and inflexible that he is unwilling to admit his mistakes. Nor will we have to live with a president so naïve about the world. One forced to select an aged and “experienced” running mate to lend his ticket gravitas.
Well, in truth, I don't think that Obama will be much of a vacationer. And, thanks be to almighty providence, he does not have a fake ranch where the brush needs perpetual clearing.


Anonymous said...

And just as it is with the Iraq war where people who warned that there were no WMDs or reason for invading are given less credibility than people who supported the administration, so it will be with people who didn't buy into the Obama phenomenon as opposed to the people who did.

In the end, what this election has proved is not only that the media is the dominant political force in this nation which can pick and choose our presidents and sideline the candidates they don't want, but also, that the parties are now irrelevant. Almost all of the same people who were gungho for Bush are gungho for Obama. The fact that he belongs to a different party allows certain delusional types to hoodwink themsevles into believing that enlightenment has struck. These entities and people have seen the light. And that's why the parties are irrelevant. The Democratic party went along with a clearly non-Democratic candidate taking the nomination by fraud against a clearly Democratic candidate. The party was subordinated to the media. I have no doubt they went along with Obama because he was a media darling and they knew they could win. The media has utterly consumed and digested the Democratic party. We may not have a decent president again until we are shat back out the other end of the beast.

On another note, It'll be intereting to see how many women Obama has in his cabinet. I'm expecting to see a huge drop off in the number of women nominated for cabinet roles. For that fact, I"m expecting to see a huge drop off in minorities as well. What do you want to bet that he fills all the most powerful positions with white men?

Anonymous said...

I love the 0=W parallels...I'll try to add more later on, but for now, I do think Obama took a couple of vacations, and I bet he will be a vacationer. It will be hard to match W in the extent, however.

Anonymous said...

speaking of rove, check out this warm and tingly love letter by rove from WSJ via memeorandum. Over the next few years as we connect the dots we may be SHOCKED, just shocked, to learn that rove/bush not only threw the election to O as the anti-Hillary but did so by cultivating friendships with Donna Brazil, et al. I think you are onto something with the CIA angle and that may be revealed with time as well as more dots get connected.

Anonymous said...

"I don't think that Obama will be much of a vacationer."

Ya don't? Well, there was a vacation to Hawaii in January 2007, St. Thomas in March 2008, Hawaii in August 2008:

"Recognizing that he has to "refresh" himself after 18 months on the trail, as he told British Tory leader David Cameron last month--"The most important thing you need to do is to have big chunks of time during the day when all you’re doing is thinking," he told Cameron. "[If not,] you start making mistakes or you lose the big picture."

Had to refresh himself after 18 months? Hadn't he vacationed in the Virgin Islands 4 months before?

Obama's vacations seem very important to him:

Obama refused to do a military townhall for 6,000 veterans, service members, and military families at Fort Hood, Texas. That event would have taken place tonight, but Obama spokesman, Phillip Carter, said at the time Obama couldn't make it because “we unfortunately had a previously scheduled commitment on the date proposed.” But Obama doesn't have another event scheduled for this evening -- he's busy bodyboarding in Hawaii.

Then there were several months in Bali.... oh yeah, that was a working vacation so that he could write "away from the phone ringing" (though he was a complete unknown, he couldn't write because the phone kept ringing in his free office?).

Oh, and there's the vacation to Pakistan, of course.

Some scuttlebutt in Hawaii is that he looked at a few homes on Oahu during the Aug. vacation. "Tiki White House", I guess.

He may not have a pig farm with brush to clear, but he does have a 10' strip of Rezko lawn to mow.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I couldn't help but to catch that either. He is very much a vacationer. In fact, something he was criticized about was taking vacations during the primaries while Hillary was still very much on the trail. Perhaps, it may not be to the level of Bush, but it's still enough to be noticed by even the fawning village media.

Anonymous said...

What about his frequent vacations from voting in the Senate?